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Posts posted by saintlv

  1. So sorry but need a quick reply before project submission. I got about 50 jasper files with an image in them. However they have been compiled in such a way that it points to


    C:Documents and SettingsMr ***DesktopUntitled-1.jpg


    I cant seem to rename or move the file without getting and error. How can i move the file to somewhere else then link it back. Thank you for your help.

  2. Ok managed to solve the problem. Did all the steps accordingly.


    Until fill report. "The compiled report design was successfully filled with data."


    Then the last step, export report. It gives me an error saying


    The requested resource (/webapp/servlets/pdf) is not available.


    Why is that so.

  3. Ok managed to figure out how to use the ant tool. I have done until "ant prepare"


    When i try running the jsp file i get the following error. Why is it so..


    C:Program FilesApache Tomcat 4.0workStandalonelocalhost_webappjspcompile$jsp.java:3: Package net.sf.jasperreports.engine not found in import.

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*;



    C:Program FilesApache Tomcat 4.0workStandalonelocalhost_webappjspcompile$jsp.java:4: Class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRProperties not found in import.

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRProperties;

  4. Thank you for your help, i have downloaded the file. It required m to download an "ant" tool. Then i did this step


    "Once you have ANT installed, launch "ant -p" from the command line in this directory

    to learn more about what tasks you could run to build and test the sample."









    No other instructions were given after this. How do i carry on..

  5. Hi i'm a newbie trying to learn something. I downloaded ireport and have designed my report. It connects to the database and retrives the value with no problems. When i build the report i'm able to see it as a Pdf and it works.


    My question is how do i link this to a jsp page. Lets say when i click a button the pdf report appears. The only file i seem to have in the folder is classic.jrxml


    I have downloaded the samples but they dont seem to have any jsp page within them. THey only have jrxml file.


    Could someone help me step by step.


    Your help is greatly appreciated.

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