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  1. Hi, I experiences a strange problem and am wondering if it is a bug of Jasper. I got 43 results from my Jasper report. However, when I copy and run the same sql statement with Oracle's SQL-Plus, it gives 1 more result. Have anybody experienced the same issue before. Thanks.
  2. Hi, I experiences a strange problem and am wondering if it is a bug of Jasper. I got 43 results from my Jasper report. However, when I copy and run the same sql statement with Oracle's SQL-Plus, it gives 1 more result. Have anybody experienced the same issue before. Thanks.
  3. Hi giulio, Thanks for your helpful suggesion. Would you please give me more details on how to use a custom datasource, and create your own QueryExecuter? Thanks, JustinX
  4. Hi Guru, How to get the latest 100 results ordered by MyDatetime column in a very large table, i.e., we need only the the latest 100 rows among all rows in the table? I do not want to sort the huge table first and then retrieve the 100 rows. Can I use Oracle Hint with JasperReport to get such things? I have tried with something like /*+ first_rows index( ) */ However, looks like JasperReport does not take it, as the returned 100 results are not sorted. Do you guys know how to do this? Or any other way as long as it helps me reach the goal. Thanks. JustinX
  5. Hi Guru, How to get the latest 100 results ordered by MyDatetime column in a very large table, i.e., we need only the the latest 100 rows among all rows in the table? I do not want to sort the huge table first and then retrieve the 100 rows. Can I use Oracle Hint with JasperReport to get such things? I have tried with something like /*+ first_rows index( ) */ However, looks like JasperReport does not take it, as the returned 100 results are not sorted. Do you guys know how to do this? Or any other way as long as it helps me reach the goal. Thanks. JustinX
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