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Posts posted by inkimar

  1. Thanks!


    Using openreports helped me out here.

    I was able to do the search there, using a txt-field where I could not have a drop-down-list.


    So everything is working for me on my XP.


    is this what is referred to as crystal-reports !?

    still beeing new to this lingo.


    getting into trouble when exporting my .war to

    a debian machine, getting a 'java.lang.ClassCastException' - is my app trying to connect to some .jars in the JBoss installation instead of those I provided.


    due to the fact the openreports is built using JasperReports I ask this question here.






    regards, i

  2. Hello,


    thanks for the advice.


    So I could write a simple servlet-app

    where the JSP has three fields, based on the input

    of those fields I will conduct a search and the

    resultset will be displayed in jasperreport ....(jr)

    Sound like I could do all in my servlet with

    no use of jr? or do you mean that I write my serlvet within the 'framework' of jr ?

    Not so familiar with jr.


    testing openreports, based on jasperreports, at the moment,I could ask more questions in that forum on this subject related to input instead of drop-down menus.


    regards, i

  3. Hello!


    Having a table with more than 300.000 posts.

    These are stored in a mysql database.

    I want to be able to search those post with an

    sql-query, giving me a result-set of 3000-4000 posts.


    Not knowing Jasperreports, wanting to favour OS and learn OS-applications when I do small apps like this one.


    Is JasperReports the right tool for me, or do I have to write a small Servlet program for this which hands me the result on a jsp-page ?

    Thinking that Excel and VBA could give me a fair result here.

    But both approaches would require that I have to study to get into the technique, rather read about OS.


    could anyone give me an advice on how to handle this problem.


    regards, i

  4. Hello!


    Been using iText and successfully creating a PDF-document, it is all textbased and the layout is

    of importance. I have created an Invoice.

    Using Java ofcourse.


    I would like to create a HTML document at the same

    time with the same layout as the PDF-document.


    Is JasperReports the tool for me or not ?


    regards, Ink

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