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Posts posted by xchen

  1. Hi folks,

    I follow the sample in templates coming with iReport3.5, I defined a style file: styles.jrtx and put this file in the .jrxml like this:


    (iReport changed it to :  <template><![CDATA["styles.jrtx"]]></template> after compiling.)

    The strong thing is that when I applied my styles in styles.jrtx, none of them works. Well even worse, these elements(static text) I did not apply the styles had the text disappeared!!!!


    Segments of the jrxml file are like this:




        <reportElement style="Column Header" x="0" y="0" width="78" height="20"/>

    "Column Header" is a style defined in styles.jrtx:

    <style name="Column Header" isBold="true" fontSize="12" backcolor="#FFFF00"/>


    Any hint is highly appreciated!




  2. mdahlman



    The quickest solution (well, workaround) is to right-click the static text field and choose Transform to -> Text Field.



    Sounds like a solution.


    Thanks for all of you posting replies!



  3. walmillard

    Are you embedding the <style> tags or are you setting the font properties using the ireport controls? ie

    Attention <style pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold">Customers</style>

    will print "Customers" in Helvetice-Bold regardless of the iReport font settings used to print Attention.

    ensure you have the "Is styled text" setting checked.

    Note also that "MS Windows" fonts are slightly astray from other platforms.


    I am not sure if I follow you. In my case, I created a few styles in the Style Library, then drag and drop them onto the static box. The colors in front and background didn't change at all.  I don't mean to change the style in the jrxml file manually. Could this be a bug of iReport?





    Post Edited by xchen123 at 10/01/2009 20:58
  4. Hi folks,

    I am having an issue when applying the style iReport. The issue is like this: if I apply the style to Text Field, it works, but if I apply the style to Static Text, it doesn't work, but instead, the old proprties still applies!

    Any hint is highly appreciated.



  5. I am using iReporter to create one master report, then within it, I add 2 subreports vertically in the 'Detail' band. Within these 2 'subreports', I have some text fields in their 'Detail' bands.


    When I run the master report in iReporter, I found those 2 'subreports' overlapped.


    I tried to adjust the size of the 2 subreports, but failed. I also set the position as 'float'. But these 2 subreports will not in the same page.


    Could anyone give me a hand please?


    Thanks in advance.

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