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Posts posted by wexwarez

  1. Is there a way to get the percentage to display in the label of the pie chart using ireports?


    ONe thing i was thinking would be if percentage was available as a parameter or if even the total was available as a parameter i could compute it as the label expression. It seems to me that the percentage must be readily available in order to produce the chart, if we could just access it...



  2. This is absolutely driving me crazy. There is no consistency to how this works.


    It seems like there is no way to set the style for the background of bands, except for setting a complete default style which then effects the entire report. And I am utterly lost as to how the transparent property affects this. In some cases you need it set to see the background while in others it doesn't allow it to show the background.


    Someone either made a complete oversight by forgetting to set it up so you can set a general background color on a per band basis OR I am missing the obvious.



    Or is there a way you can just make an area have a certain background?

    thanks for your help

    Post edited by: wexwarez, at: 2007/01/30 00:10

  3. I have a report with several subreports. I am trying to set up one of the subreports so if a certain parameter is true then the entire background of the subreport and all the fields in it are highlighted with a background in yellow.


    I created a style and set it to default. I then added the conditional parameter and set the conditional style background to the color i wanted. Only some of the fields show the yellow background. So then I individually selected the style for the fields that didn't. This helped. Why do I have to do this?


    It was odd though I would select the style for one field and then it seemed to automatically spread to the fields around it. Seems really buggy or I just don't understand.


    So while I can get the textfields to change to yellow backgrounds the actual report and band backgrounds are still white.


    How do you change the background globally?


    Also I did experiment and just set the default style to have a yellow background. The effect was very odd. While it made the background of the subreport entirely yellow it also seemed to carry over to pieces of the parent report. The whole report background wasn't yellow but other subreports seemed to take on the style. Seems like a bug.


    But what really bothers me is why does this effect take place only when there is no condition applied?


    Anyways could really use some guidance as to how to get an entire subreport to be yellow in background?




  4. I can't get my subreport will not print in the last page footer.


    I get this error:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow.


    Can anyone suggest a way around this?

    Why are we not suppose to use subreports in the last page footer?

  5. I have purchased the manuals and everything but there is no example of creating subreports with a java bean data source. I can't figure out how to do it. For instance if you were creating an inventory report. You might have a report of product categories with a subreport for each item. I would have a java bean Category that contains a property that is a Collection of items. The category report would loop on the category bean with a subreport for the items collection.


    How do you set the subreports data source from a field registered from the category java bean data source?



  6. Is there a way to make the last page footer band stretch to accomdate a text field? I thought bands streatched with fields without problem, but i can't seem to get the last page footer band to stretch height wise when a text field grows in the number of lines.


    I have a situation where 99% of the time this text field is not bigger then the band height but every once in a while it is significantly bigger. In that case I need the whole band to stretch to accomodate it. I have tried all the stretch settings on the text field but none of them actually force the band to stretch to accomodate?




    Post edited by: wexwarez, at: 2006/08/22 20:07

    Post edited by: wexwarez, at: 2006/08/24 01:13

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