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Posts posted by mikemaze

  1. Sorry Guys, I can't recall how I got this working. I suspect that I may have done it via setting up a group, ticking New column and having a valid piece of code behind it. Do you have the iReport manual and the Ulimate Guide? My personal opinion is you are severely limited without it.
  2. I would think about using static text fields as a background, and make use of their vertical borders to create the illusion of columns. Then you would put your details, and these static text fields into your detail bands. Be sure not to have any wasted space. Group items together, and perhaps select 'to largest object' as a resizing option for each detail band.

    I hope this helps.


  3. Hi,

    if you have two fields that you have concatenated in the one text field, can you style each, separately using styled sheets? If so, what's wrong with this eg:


    <style isBold="true">$F{FULLNAME}</style> + "n" + $F{TEACHER1}


    Any assistance welcomed. Have checked iReport manual and Ultimate Guide with no luck.


    This doesn't work either:

    "<style isBold="true">" + $F{FULLNAME} + "</style>" + "n" + $F{TEACHER1}


    It runs but style text is ignored getting this error:

    [Fatal Error] :1:36: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference. 20366515 [Thread-418] WARN fill.JRFillTextElement - Invalid styled text.




    Post edited by: mikemaze, at: 2007/02/21 04:22

  4. The iReport manual? You should see advertisements for it around. It will not answer all your questions. Description can be sparse about key concepts. But at least it will give you a framework for working things out.

    Best of luck.

  5. Thanks for your advice. Tried it but it doesn't work for me! Have you actually got it to work?

    Are there any other steps that need to be taken?

    Have tried your method and many others...

    I wonder if it is a bug in iReport 1.3.0?






    Post edited by: mikemaze, at: 2007/02/13 07:53

    Post edited by: mikemaze, at: 2007/02/13 19:09

  6. You should get the manual.

    You need to understand groups & Creating page breaks. One clue that might help is to set higher min heights for your printing detail areas.


    You might also need to work on understanding why you are not getting your multi pages...




  7. Hi All,

    this looks really simple, but using the same mechanism, it doesn't work for me. I'm using iReport 1.3.0

    Anyone know how to concatenate two fields with a newline-carriagereturn-linefeed between the two fields?





    Post edited by: mikemaze, at: 2007/02/13 01:21

  8. Hi All,

    I'm wanting to effect a column break when the variable $V{COLUMN_COUNT}.intValue() == 5.

    Seems simple, but I'm making a mess of it!

    I'm running iReport 1.3.0.

    I've tried the new page break feature. Tried editing the xml file to change it to Column Break.

    Tried to effect change by creating a group and ticking Start on New Column.


    Any advice appreciated.




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