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Posts posted by stejim0

  1. Hi, new to this so apologies in advance.


    I have been using jasperintelligence with some success. Now I am trying to upload my first report containing 2 sub-reports. Does anyone have documentation on what is needed? In iReports do I need to define the sub-report path a certain way? I currently have the path set to $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "RepInvs2.jasper" with the $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} set to ".\"


    Do I need to move the RepInvs2.jasper file manually to the web server? If so where do I put it?


    Should I just need to upload the .jrxml file and that will be enough? Tried that but maybe something else is wrong.


    Do I need to create a new reportunit for the sub-report? Tried that, got the sub-report to run but maybe something else is wrong?


    A quick response would appreciated as i'm just a tad behind on this one.





  2. Hi,


    I have a jtds datasource which I can run reports against. When I try to create a MDX query on this datasource It cannot get the connection. Mondrian internal error.


    If I use the jdbc-odbc bridge against the sql server database the MDX query works ok. This makes me think the jdbc:odbc connection is 'configured' somewhere where as the jtds connection is not. Where is this?


    I believe the claspath is ok as I can create 'normal' reports against the jtds datasource.


    Any help would be appreciated.





  3. Hi,


    I'm trying to add drivers for iseries and sql server (jtds). I have the .jar files in the lib folder already and am adding this entry to mondrian.properties




    but when I view mondrian properties from admin, these additional drivers are not showing.


    Do I need to be modifying the .properties file, if so where is it? If not, then what should I be modifying.


    Any help would be appreciated.





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