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  1. aengla01 wrote:

    OK - thanks - I'll look into it.


    If you find a solution to this issue, could you be so kind and post it here. I'm having similar PDF-rendering problems on differend platforms (windows / UNIX) and this should be fixed ASAP.

  2. medang wrote:

    i'm very new in ireport.
    Currently i use ireport ver. 0.4.1 to create a report.

    The problem is ..can anybody here to help me how to upgrade my web compiler cause when i compile the report using ireport 1.2.5 .The system give me the error message.



    I solved a compilation problem by updating the jasperreports-xxx.jar-file in '/lib'-directory (where the -xxx is the version number). Don't know does this help, but you can always try :)

  3. Hi,


    Our J2EE software is based on Spring Framework and we use the Jasper Reports as reporting tool.


    All the reports (single paged PDF-forms) have been designed by using Ireport.


    However I have problem with Jasper Reports PDF rendering. The PDFs are rendered perfectly when the application is run on Tomcat (on Windows). The problems starts when I install the application on Oracle 10g (on AIX UNIX). The problem is that the PDF looks a bit differend. Biggest difference is the space between lines + some other. When the space between the rows is larger than on the original, the text doesn't fit to the text field on the report form.


    One solution is ofcourse to enlarge the text fields, but on every situation it's not possible.


    Does anybody have any idea why these PDFs renders differently?

  4. Hi,


    Our J2EE software is based on Spring Framework and we use the Jasper Reports as reporting tool.


    All the reports (single paged PDF-forms) have been designed by using Ireport.


    However I have problem with Jasper Reports PDF rendering. The PDFs are rendered perfectly when the application is run on Tomcat (on Windows). The problems starts when I install the application on Oracle 10g (on AIX UNIX). The problem is that the PDF looks a bit differend. Biggest difference is the space between lines + some other. When the space between the rows is larger than on the original, the text doesn't fit to the text field on the report form.


    One solution is ofcourse to enlarge the text fields, but on every situation it's not possible.


    Does anybody have any idea why these PDFs renders differently?

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