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Posts posted by someguy51

  1. Hi,


    I'm running into a "Unknown column error" when running a report from the iReports interface. (by clicking the "Execute" button). It works just fine when I run it from our web site.


    The report has a sub report which calls another sub report. Yesterday, I did remove the field its complaining about on the last sub report. However, I removed all references to it and compiled so it shouldn't matter.


    I set "isUsingCache" to false on both sub reports. I even tried deleting the jasper file for the bad sub report, but it still came up with "Unknown column error" as if the file was still there.


    Anyone have any idea what's going on and how to fix this? It still works when I run it from our web site but not being able to run it in iReports is making it difficult to finish my modifications and test it.




  2. Hi,


    Is there any way to test if a subreport is empty? (it has no data to display). I am trying to display some alternate text if there is nothing in the subreport.


    I have a static text field with the alternate text and have been trying to come up with a "Print when expression" to hide the text if the subreport is empty. However, I don't know what that expression would be.




  3. Hi,


    I got it to work. I guess our database doesn't support the degree symbol. That would explain why it wouldn't recognized the degree symbol when the report got it from the database but did recognize it when I entered it directly into a textfield. I got it to work using styled text. I just made sure that that the record contained:


    <style isBold='FALSE' pdfFontName='Helvetica'>&#176;</style>
  4. Hi,


    Is it possible to display the degree symbol in a pdf created from iReports?


    The following expression works in a textfield:



    new String("u00B0")


    However, if I put a

    directly into a record and set the expression to $F{degreefield} it simply prints


    Is there any way I can have the degree symbol directly in a record and have it print properly?



    Post edited by: someguy51, at: 2006/08/03 15:24

  5. Hi SoS,


    Thanks for your reply. It would be more convienient to use only one textfield so I tried your idea.


    Here is my code in the textfield expression:



    (SL2.isReminderAlarm($F{reminddaysn}, $F{receivedon}, $F{remindon}).booleanValue()) ?
    "<style isBold='TRUE' pdfFontName='Helvetica-Bold'>" + $F{typedtq} + "</style>"
    : $F{typedtq}


    When "isReminderAlarm" returned false it just printed "typedtq" as expected. However, when it returned true it actually printed the text "<style..." instead of changing the font.


    Perhaps the version we are using is too old? It is iReports 1.2.3


    Any ideas?




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