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Everything posted by bklawans

  1. I just created a new public project with a sample Oracle query executer which supports stored procedures and cursors. You can find it in the developer forge section - project OracleStoredProcedures. Currently iReport does not support JasperReports query executers, but Giulio should be adding that really soon now. -Barry
  2. I have a sample implementation of a JR query executer that support Oracle stored procedures with REF CURSORs. I'll dig up the code and post it on JasperForge sometime today. -Barry
  3. Make the report title band the size of a page. It is only output once, at the beginning of the report, so it can be used to produce a cover page like you are describing. -Barry
  4. I spent some time playing around with this over the weekend and have most of it working. I need to do some clean up around plot options, and add the ability to label each axis. The hard part is done though, so I'll clean it up soon and get it in a future build. size=270]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/img_0_10_8.jpg -Barry
  5. Right now JasperReports doesn't have built in support for dual-axis charts - you have to write some custom code in a scriplet to get one. Funny - this is the fourth time somebody asked me about this this week, and the average was about 4x a year up until now. I'm working on some charting enhancements so I'll take a look at adding a second y axis, potentially with a seperate type of chart too. -Barry
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