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Everything posted by bklawans

  1. It looks like you are getting the data back, its just not being displayed. Trying making the text fields a bit bigger - if they are too short to display the value in the current font they get suppressed. -Barry
  2. Hi Andy, Sounds like there is some confusion between filtering and grouping. The GroupBy expression allows you group related records, and all records that have the same return value for the GroupBy expression will be in the same bunch. In you example where the expression is ?$f{MainCat} = “ a passed variable†and ${Price} > “x†and < “y†you are going to have two groups, one for "true" and one for "false". I think you want to filter the data, right? In other words, only show the data for items in the given category and in the price range. Normally you would pass that info to the query and let the datasource do the filtering, but you can't do that with a CSV file of data. You might be able to add a printWhenExpression to the detail band to only print when the data matches your conditions, but I'm not sure if its evaluated on each iteration or not. Finally, you pass values into a report via Parameters, not Variables. -Barry
  3. That currently isn't supported. Please go to the Developer Forge section of this site and submit it as a feature request for JasperReports. -Barry
  4. Hmm, looks like a bug in the charting package we use - it isn't taking the value label size into consideration when determining the size, and then truncating it. I'll look into a solution, perhaps allowing you to specify a position of the value label (such is inside the bar) might help. Better yet, a way to specify the size of the plot seperately from the size of the entire chart, so you can allow extra room for labels, etc. -Barry
  5. I'm on OS X too, 10.4.6. Thanks for the tip about the update checker. You can turn that off if you want - go to "Options -> Configure plugins", select the "Check for iReport updates..." plugin, press the Configure button and deselect the checkbox. -Barry
  6. I'm at a loss as what could be going on here. I can compile the file you attached in a previous post without any trouble on my machine. Definitely something in your environment, but I'm not sure what. Do you have access to another system to test on? -Barry
  7. Unfortunately the behavior you describe (legend grows, so the pie shrinks) is the way JFreeChart behaves. One workaround is to turn the legend off for the pie and then create a subreport with the same data as the pie and place it next to the pie as the legend. You can also try making the chart area siginificantly wider than it is tall, so the size of the pie is determined by the height and there is plenty of room off to the side for the legend. -Barry
  8. Currently there is no way to set the starting point on any axis. Its a good suggestion - why don't you go to the project home in the Developer Forge section of this site and add a feature request? You can click on the "Tracker" icon in the toolbar, then select "Feature Requests", and press the "Submit New Artifact" button at the bottom to create a new request. -Barry
  9. The URL in the DOCTYPE declaration is not actually a URL, but a URI. That means it has to be unique, but it doesn't actually have to point to something. The actual URI to DTD mapping happens at runtime. In the case of JasperReports the actuall DTD is stored in the JasperReports jar. (If you look in the jar its /net/sf/jasperreports/engine/dtds/jasperreport.dtd) -Barry
  10. My startup time has gone up noticably too, but nowhere near as bad as yours. I think it is related to the new docking framework being used - it seems to take more time to initialize. Still, 1:30 and over seems excessive to me. -Barry
  11. Are the labels too close togethger so you only see the first part of the label followed by "..."? That means that there isn't room for the label to be displayed. In JasperReports 1.2.7 we are adding support to rotate the labels so they fit. -Barry
  12. 1.2.6 is out, so I just checked all the code into the main code tree, still on SourceForge. If you pull the latest source and build it, check out the new reports in the charts sample. I haven't integrated the multiple axis charts with the new chart hyperlink support yet, so you can't create 1.2.6 style chart hyperlinks and have them work in a multiple axis chart. -Barry
  13. Hi Brian, The original project was created on SourceForge by Teodor on September 25th of 2001, so JR's fifth birthday is a few weeks away. The 1.0 release was relatively recent, but I can remember exactly when, around June of last year. It was long overdue though, JasperReports had been stable and was being used in production long before then. Hope that helps. -Barry
  14. If the month field is numeric you get the quarter by declaring a variable of type Integer that is set to new Integer(($F{MONAT}.intValue() - 1) / 3) If the field is a string AND your database supports the CASE statement you can do something along the line of select JAHR, CASE MONAT when 'JAN' then 1 when 'FEB' then 1 when 'MAR' then 1 when 'APR' then 2 ... END as Quarter rest of select Excuse the bad mixture of German and English. -Barry
  15. If you want only one chart per report the usual places are the report title or summary band. If you use the title band be sure to set the evaluation time to "Report" so the chart isn't rendered until all the data has been processed. -Barry
  16. I'm guessing you have the key expression in the barchart data set. If all the values have the same key each row will overwrite the previous one and only the last row will be plotted. Take a good look at the sample bar chart in the demos that come with JasperReports for examples of what the various expressions should be. -Barry
  17. code_slave wrote: the format of the oracle date types was changed I think from 91 to 93. Thanks for the info - I'm still running 9.1 and wasn't aware of this change. -Barry
  18. Alexander is right, the file isn't ISO-8859-1. It looks to be UTF-8 with no byte order mark. I'm not sure why you got an error in the first place and changed the encoding. I just changed the encoding in the file to UTF-8 and it compiled correctly. Try setting encoding in both the first line and in the ireport.encoding property to UTF-8 and try again. If it complains about the first byte of a UTF-8 character post some details about your environment, such as the version of the JVM, the OS you are using, etc. -Barry
  19. Can you upload the jrxml you are working on? I'll take a look and see if it appears as valid UTF-8 or some other character set. From what you are saying it sounds like it should be UTF-8. What OS are you running - could make a difference depending on the file system. -Barry
  20. spackers wrote: I came across the DeveloperForge project only today, ironically just after posting! My understanding of the DeveloperForge version though is that it doesn't work with iReports and requires a different setup (in code) to get it working (although that's not to say it's difficult to implement). We wanted something that would work everywhere, most especially with the designer. John The DeveloperForge project shouldn't require any code - just be sure to set the query languange correctly in the JRXML and copy the jasperreports.properties file from the sample. The lack of iReport support is a problem, but as I understand it that should be coming in 1.2.6 which should be out pretty soon. Thanks for the info on Crytal - I haven't used it in over 10 years and was wondering how it had changed. Doesn't sound like for the better. -Barry
  21. Take a look at the generated HTML (via View Source or the equivalent in your browser) to figure out where the browser is looking for the images. Then figure out where the images actually have been saved, which depends on the options you set for the JRHtmlExporter. In your case it looks like you haven't set any, so the images are stored on disk in the current directory. When using images you need to think of two things - where do I want to store the images (disk? session?) and how the user will access them (servlet? Direct URL?) and then make sure you set up the exporter to put the images in the right place, and your code to serve them up correctly. Take a look at the JavaDoc for the options that the JRHtmlExporter supports. -Barry
  22. You have two groups with the exact same groupExpression, which won't work. As I understand it what you are trying to accomplish is a page break between the summary report and the main report. Move the summary report into the title band, delete the summary group, leave the second group but change the "groupExpression" to some constant so you only get one group row (set the expression to something like "A"), make sure that the "isStartNewPage" is enabled. -Barry
  23. How was the JRXML created, and what was the last tool/editor you used to modify it? That error always means that the file is not actually encoded as UTF-8, so the question comes up what encoding is it actually in. -Barry
  24. Thanks for the tip. There is also a project available in the "Developer Forge" section of this site that allows you to call an Oracle stored procedure natively from JasperReports. Just curious, what drove the switch from Crystal? -Barry
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