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Everything posted by rsilverns.sympatico.ca

  1. Does any documentation exist on how to use the webservice/WSDL aspect of jasper intelligence? I am trying to access a report via the webservice and keep getting a series of errors. I have generated client artifacts to access jasperintelligence from a java servlet using Axis 1.0 wsdltojava ant task. After a lot of figuring I managed to get connected to the webservice based upon a URL of... Code:http://tomcat:tomcat@localhost:8080/jasperserver/view-services/JasperServerService?WSDL the client artifacts that get generated require a bit of tweaking, inserting the "tomcat:tomcat@" into the target URL to make it work. I can connect to the webservice and view folders, files etc. But when I browse a folder I get a list of "/reports" folder that says there is a report called "test" within it. yet when I attempt to access a report via getFile and pass the uri "/reports/test" I get an execption in my generated java code that says... Code:[code]exception caught: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.ws.WebServiceException: Resource "/reports/test" of type class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource not found. getting data of /reports/test Would anyone have experience with this sort of problem? Another issue I am noticing is that if I call the webservice "login" method and pass it a usrname such as "jasperadmin"... it will keep the "remote user" variable as being the usr I had to specify on the URL line (see above), which I had to specify to see the WSDL in my code. Has anyone encountered similar issues when dealing with how to see the WSDL, etc? Thanks, Rob
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