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Posts posted by kenyoungsolutionary.com

  1.  (Note: Posting here due to information provided on BigData page)


    I am looking for help/links for the configuration of the Hive Connector when you are embedding JasperReports 4.7 into a customer application (no jasperserver).   I have verified connectivity with Ireport, but without Javadoc, I am unsure where to start.  When trying to reverse engine the sample from the connector download, it is referencing com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.CustomDataSourceDefinition, which is not part of the straight jasperreports distribution.




  2.  My question was, while a JFreechart is a great project, it hasn't seen a new release in over two years.  If the project is orphaned, is there a plan for  JasperReports to provide direct support for other libraries, advance Jfreechart, etc for the betterment of JasperReports.

    I am not unhappy with the current level of support, but as we put more time into using JasperReports, I was wondering about the status of this important supporting project.

  3.  I was wondering if there was any java examples (other than the samples that shipped) of how to utilize the new repository API.  In is an interesting way to get rid of the custom classes that I have implemented to find subreports, images, etc when deploying jasper reports into a custom application.  I have reviewed the javadoc, but an example would be helpful.



    I also see that the major bugs are marked as closed for the 4.1.2 release.  As we use some of the tables features, is there a pending release of 4.1.2 in the next few weeks?



  4.  Currently, for our more extensive reports, we have been using the subreport feature to issue separate queries that return values back to the main report.  The only problem is that it causing excessive management of subreports.  The end users are using ireport, so having them write scriptlets is not an option.


    It would seem that providing the ability for  a subdataset return a value would be a nice feature to help ease the need to utilize subreports in this capacity.  



  5. I think this will depend on you application architecture. In our case, we are using Oracle VPD and the Springframework. In our case, using Spring AOP, we intercept the call to java.sql.Datasource.getConnection(), and replace the connection (or in our case, add additional variables to the connection) prior to having it delivered back to the application, or to Jasper.
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