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Posts posted by akossar

  1. This usually occurs when a webflow conversation has ended. You can easily reproduce it by engaging a flow conversation and wait for the flow timeout see SWF documentation. There ways to avoid SWF exceptions by defining Exception Resolvers with Spring. Hope this helps... BTW When are you planning to move to SWF 2.0?
  2. Is there a way to limit the execution of concurent reports in jasper server in either pro or open version? Currently we are using jasperreports in our execution engine and we have the choice of limiting the number of concurent threads by limiting the number of listeners on our JMS queues. Is there a way we can achieve this funtionality in JS?
  3. Is there a possibility to localize input controls attributes (labels descriptions etc) in JasperServer? I looked at the source code and it seems that the model only supports one label and description per input control. Is there any ongoing developement for extension of the model or a workaround to by pass this limitation?
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