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Posts posted by Layna

  1. Hello :).

    I have the following situation:

    Within my Detail-band, there are 2 subreports next to each other.

    Whenever one of them causes the PDF to have 2 oages instead of one, but the other is short enough for one page, the shorter one is repeated on the second page.

    I seem unable to convince the shorter report that it needs to be printed only once. How can I do that?



  2. Hello :).

    All right, new to JasperReports, and I have a problem wich searching the net refuses to answer:

    I have a localized report, that is supposed to show the date-part of a Date-Object in one line, and the time-part in the next.

    Now, I did see that I could give the date a pattern.. but that of course messes up the localisation, as Germans don't really like their dates with / instead of . ;).

    Is there a trick I don't know about that could help me?



  3. IReport is driving me crazy...

    whenever I change re report it created XML starting like the first code-snippet.

    I need somethign thta looks like the second code-snippet, I am perfectly aware of that... and keep changing it bach to the required form EVERY SINGLE TIME I edit my report with iReport.

    How can I tell iReport to please produce XML I can actualyl work with???



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="report name" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" whenNoDataType="BlankPage" columnWidth="535" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20">==============================================================================<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?><!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "-//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"><jasperReport name="report name" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="535" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20">
  4. The problem is that I actually have no idea how this happened.

    I got a system (Java + Struts) wich uses Jasper Reports to create adress-lists and such. Before, the umlaute where displayed correctly, even in CSV-Exports.

    Now, even reports that where not touched work on none of the developer-systems, and on none of the servers.

    And that is basically the amount of information I have... that's why I need a hint where to start looking.

    We changed NOTHING about the Jaqsperreport-settings, but as I said, even untouched reports get Unlaut-touble in CSV-Export, and ONLY there.


    A very confused Layna.

  5. Are you sure?

    Because I saw JasperReports running on another system... and it gave me perfectly valid CSV-Exports. Actually, I am workign with a slightly different version of the software that exports Umlaute successfully... just the version I am working on refuses to do so.

  6. Hello :).

    I am totally lost... because Special characters like the German Umlauts are lost by JasperReports... but ONLY when goign to CSV. All other Formats show no Problem, the PDF don't, either... only the CSV-files.

    Can anybody give me some idea how that can happen :blush: ?



  7. Hello.

    Anyone advise me on the followign problem?

    I have a report, wich, due to the amount of data it is supposed to display, has two lines in the detail band. both lines, upper and lower, CAN stretch, but don't alway do so.

    The result of this is that, when there is an overflow in the first line, wich results in vertical stretching, the report behaves... well, wrongly.

    From not displaying the second line all to wtiting INTO the second line, making the report effectivle unreadable, everything happened, except for the rigth thing: first line stretches, second is positioned unter it.

    What combination of field properties to I need to archive this?



  8. Hello.

    I am supposed to expand an existing report, and don't really want to reconstruct the whole thing.

    Basically, the Report now shows the data from exactly one object of a class with adress-data within the detail-band; the report receives a List with one object of the adress-class.

    I expanded this class with a Set<SomeOtherClass> property.

    I would like to show the data of that set in a subreport. Unfortunately, it refuses to work. The best result I get is:


    Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid :
    1. Field not found : datum
    2. Field not found : art
    3. Field not found : betreff
    4. Field not found : beschreibung

    Could anybody give me a hint on how to do this?




  9. Hello :( .

    I have a report wich is supposed to only show the first X results of each group. I sucessfully gave the maximum as Paramater to the report (limiting in the data I give would end up being more complicated.. or so I thought).

    Anyway, how does the "print when"-expression work for this?

    The basic idea I had ($V{dnGr_COUNT} < $P{max}) leads to an exception. :unsure:

    Any hints at where exactly I hit the wall here, and how I can tear it down?

    Thanks already, a very tired but hopeful,



  10. Hello again.

    I though I had a simple Problem... not simple to me, though.

    Inside a report-group, I show a "double"-field, wich can unfortunately be null.

    Now, I would like the followign things to happen:

    1) When the field is null, I want to display the value "0".

    2) At the end of the group, I want to display the sum of all those double-fields.


    For number 1, I am totally lost.

    Number two seems to mean I have a Variable that... well, adds up all the double-fields in the group. What I need as an idea about how to tell the variable to do just that.


    Thanks abready, from a helpless ebginner who was literally tossed into Jasper and iReports :S .



  11. Hello.


    iReport does not seem to be for me.... both versions make sense, but:

    if (field) return 'X'

    leads to:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Type mismatch: cannot convert from Boolean to boolean value = (java.lang.String)((((java.lang.Boolean)field_lganm__abs.getValue()))?"X":"O");//$JR_EXPR_ID=23$


    The other version:

    [code]new Boolean($F{Yourfield} != null && $F{Yourfield}.equals( "YourCondition"«»))

    leads to:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. The method equals(Object) in the type Boolean is not applicable for the arguments (boolean) value = (java.lang.Boolean)(new Boolean(((java.lang.Boolean)field_lganm__abs.getValue()) != null && ((java.lang.Boolean)field_lganm__abs.getValue()).equals( true)));//$JR_EXPR_ID=23$


    Because of the enviroment, I HAVE to work with the Boolean-Object instead of the primitive boolean, though.

    Using .booleanValue did't help solve the problem.



    Post edited by: Layna, at: 2007/10/17 13:03

  12. Hello.

    I am trying to print X when a boolean field of the Report is true/false (need both cases for the problem).

    Unfortunately, all version around "if (field) return 'X'" I tried till now ended with exceptions.

    Could anyone give me an idea of how to do this?


    Hoping for hints,


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