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  1. Hello everybody, I need help to properly layout a report (produced as odt or a rft) with one field containing a long text inside it. I want to split this text into several paragraphs, each with a tab at the beginning. Using both the html syntax (the tag "p") or "\r\n" I can obtain a new line but not a new paragraph. I also try to split the single field into more fields, one for each paragraph but I get a table (for odt) or a text area (for an rtf opened with word), one for each paragraph and if I need to edit these document... well it's pretty difficoult. Any suggestion, please? Thank you for your help. Lisa
  2. Unfortunately, my reports and subreports are in the db and I fill them after extracting from their table. They give no problem to me. As I said, the image is one and doesn't change. Surely your solution will work, but don't fit to me, because I can't/wan't use the filesystem. Forgive me, but I don't understand why I can't store also the image in the db. It's impossible to load the image, or simply your method is more easy? Thank you again, Lisa.
  3. The image is one, a logo near the title. I need to store it in the db (in which I store also the reports) as bytea and extract them when I need. No problem with subreports, only with the image. I've attached my jrxml as required. Thank a lot again. Lisa Ps. Don't know if it can be relevant but: when I get the object from the db I get the report as JasperReport and the image as ByteArrayInputStream. [file name=report.jrxml size=9457]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/report.jrxml[/file]
  4. I'm sorry, but I've a very similar problem and I don't understand the solution. :pinch: I'm trying to import in a Java program a report create with ireport, and this report has subreports and one image. With subreports it's all fine, but the image (in the master report) doesn't want to appear. In my JRDesignExpression I've put this: Code:$P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("IMAGE0"«») Before of filling my report I've put the image (a ByteArrayInputstream) in the map: Code:[code]mapParameters.put("IMAGE0", image); It's the same procedure I've used for subreports, but for the subreports it'ok. :S Thanks in advance, Lisa
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