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Everything posted by 3rwin

  1. Ok, i requested membership to the JasperSoft project so i can add my comment to the request. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
  2. Is it possible to configure fields that if they can't be printed completely on a page the should be printed on the next page? I don't want certain fields to be split between pages.
  3. Is there a possibility to get a list of the fields within your input XML in the "Library/Fields"? Now i have to "add" them manually in the "Library/Fields". Example: I have the following XML Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <palette> <color> <name>Red</name> <red>255</red> <green>0</green> <blue>0</blue> </color> <color> <name>Green</name> <red>0</red> <green>255</green> <blue>0</blue> </color> <color> <name>Blue</name> <red>255</red> <green>0</green> <blue>0</blue> </color> </palette> I define my XML datasource, open the report query, choose XPath as query language and type /palette/color. Now i would expect the "Read fields" button to be available (it isn't) so i could press it and below the "name", "red", "green" and "blue" fields would appear. Am i doing something wrong or is this not possible ?
  4. Maybe not the best way to do this but ... Remove all the formats: Code: JRViewer viewer = new JRViewer(jasperPrint); JRSaveContributor[] save = viewer.getSaveContributors(); for (int i=0; i<save.length; i++) { viewer.removeSaveContributor(save); } Add the ones you need (taken from the initSaveContributors in the JRViewer class): Code:[code] final String[] DEFAULT_CONTRIBUTORS = { "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRPrintSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRPdfSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRRtfSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRHtmlSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRSingleSheetXlsSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRMultipleSheetsXlsSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRCsvSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JRXmlSaveContributor", "net.sf.jasperreports.view.save.JREmbeddedImagesXmlSaveContributor" }; for(int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_CONTRIBUTORS.length; i++) { try { Class saveContribClass = JRClassLoader.loadClassForName(DEFAULT_CONTRIBUTORS); Method method = saveContribClass.getMethod("getInstance",(Class[])null); JRSaveContributor saveContrib = (JRSaveContributor)method.invoke(null,(Object[])null); viewer.addSaveContributor(saveContrib); } catch (Exception e) { } } Remove the ones you don't need from the DEFAULT_CONTRIBUTORS. Post edited by: 3rwin, at: 2007/03/21 11:02
  5. I am using JasperReports in a Java application and I'm using the JRViewer to view the reports. How can I limit the offered formats in the JRViewer save dialog?
  6. It's very easy to design such reports with excel sheet. I sending a xml file along with an excel sheet. If you go though it. you can easily get rid of such problem. Yogesh, Thanks for the help. But after looking at the xml i noticed that you made the width of your fields wide enough to contain the data. Correct me if i'm wrong. My intention was to let the columns stretch automatically.
  7. Anyone ? Help would be really appreciated.
  8. I'm trying to make a JasperReport in iReport that will exclusively be used to export to MS Excel. How can i make the report stretch every column to fit the data (width)? I just want to drop every column on the report without having to change the width for every one of them. I understand this would be a problem for a PDF export with the page width and all, but this is an Excel only report. Thank you.
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