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  1. Sorry to post a new message but I don't have solve my php web service problem wet... Is there anyone that have the phpclient sample works fine? If yes, with why php version? SOAP version? there is any change to do? can you post the phpclient files here if you have change somethings ( without your jasperserver parameter ;) )? I hope that someone can helpme, the ireport works fine with my jasper web server, but the phpclient sample not... I try this simple code : Code:<? $url = "http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository"; require_once('SOAP/Client.php'); $proxy=array('username'=>'tomcat','password'=>'tomcat'); $client = new SOAP_Client($url,false,false,$proxy); $op_xml = "<request operationName="list"><resourceDescriptor name="" wsType="folder" uriString="" isNew="false">". "<label></label></resourceDescriptor></request>"; $params = array("request" => $op_xml ); $response = $client->call("list",$params,array('namespace' => 'http://axis2.ws.jasperserver.jaspersoft.com')); print_r($response); ?> but the result won't seem correct : </pre><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="90%">Code:[code] SOAP_Fault Object ( [error_message_prefix] => [mode] => 1 [level] => 1024 [code] => Client [message] => [userinfo] => [backtrace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /XXXXXXX/SOAP/Fault.php [line] => 63 [function] => PEAR_Error [class] => SOAP_Fault [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Client [2] => [3] => [4] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /XXXXXXX/SOAP/Base.php [line] => 206 [function] => SOAP_Fault [class] => SOAP_Fault [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Client [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /XXXXXXX/SOAP/Client.php [line] => 339 [function] => _raiseSoapFault [class] => SOAP_Client [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /XXXXXXX/index.php [line] => 11 [function] => call [class] => SOAP_Client [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => list [1] => Array ( [request] => <request operationName="list"><resourceDescriptor name="" wsType="folder" uriString="" isNew="false"><label></label></resourceDescriptor></request> ) [2] => Array ( [namespace] => http://axis2.ws.jasperserver.jaspersoft.com ) ) ) ) [callback] => )</ Thanks a lot
  2. What FTP client you use? the dreamweaver? another? Do you have the root access or any ssh access to your server? I had the same problem with this API, in my PC the file seems fine, but in the server there was a special char before the <? tags ;) ( this error is because there is a print caracter before an header or a session_start ) Post edited by: bbean, at: 2007/03/28 18:54
  3. you had to delete the space caracter before the <? tag...
  4. Thanks a lot nucflash but it seem not the problem... T've try a simple script : with an error user login require_once('SOAP/Client.php'); $connection_params = array("user" => "tomcat2", "pass" => "tomcat"); $info = new SOAP_client("http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository", false, false, $connection_params); print_r($info); and with a correct user login require_once('SOAP/Client.php'); $connection_params = array("user" => "tomcat", "pass" => "tomcat"); $info = new SOAP_client("http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository", false, false, $connection_params); print_r($info); and the result is the same SOAP_Client Object ( [_endpoint] => http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository [_portName] => [_endpointType] => => [wire] => [_last_request] => [_last_response] => [_options] => Array ( [trace] => ) [_encoding] => UTF-8 [headersOut] => [headersIn] => [_proxy_params] => Array ( [user] => tomcat2 [pass] => tomcat ) [_soap_transport] => [_XMLSchema] => Array ( [0] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema [1] => http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema ) [_XMLSchemaVersion] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema [_typemap] => Array ( [http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema] => Array ( [string] => string [boolean] => boolean [float] => float [double] => float [decimal] => float [duration] => integer [dateTime] => string [time] => string [date] => string [gYearMonth] => integer [gYear] => integer [gMonthDay] => integer [gDay] => integer [gMonth] => integer [hexBinary] => string [base64Binary] => string [normalizedString] => string [token] => string [language] => string [NMTOKEN] => string [NMTOKENS] => string [Name] => string [NCName] => string [iD] => string [iDREF] => string [iDREFS] => string [ENTITY] => string [ENTITIES] => string [integer] => integer [nonPositiveInteger] => integer [negativeInteger] => integer [long] => string [int] => integer [short] => integer [byte] => string [nonNegativeInteger] => integer [unsignedLong] => integer [unsignedInt] => integer [unsignedShort] => integer [unsignedByte] => integer [positiveInteger] => integer [anyType] => string [anyURI] => string [QName] => string ) [http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema] => Array ( [i4] => integer [int] => integer [boolean] => boolean [string] => string [double] => float [float] => float [dateTime] => string [timeInstant] => string [base64Binary] => string [base64] => string [ur-type] => string ) [http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/] => Array ( [base64] => string [array] => array [Array] => array [struct] => array ) ) [_defaultObjectClassname] => stdClass [_namespaces] => Array ( [http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/] => SOAP-ENV [http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema] => xsd [http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance] => xsi [http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/] => SOAP-ENC ) [_namespace] => [_xmlEntities] => Array ( [&] => & [<] => < [>] => > ['] => ' ["] => " ) [_doconversion] => [_attachments] => Array ( ) [_wsdl] => [_section5] => 1 [_auto_translation] => [_type_translation] => Array ( ) [_debug_flag] => [_debug_data] => [_encodings] => Array ( [0] => ISO-8859-1 [1] => US-ASCII [2] => UTF-8 ) [_myfaultcode] => Client [fault] => [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => SOAP_Fault [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) ) :S
  5. I try to test it with the ireport plugins and it works well... So I thinks that it's an script o configuration problem in my client server ( the jasperserver web service seem works fine because works with the ireport of my PC ) Any idea of the problem? Thanks a lot
  6. Hi I have install the jasperserver and I try to access with the php Web service sample, The script failed ( get_class($result) == 'SOAP_Fault' ) and I don't understand why, the only thing that I've change is the $webservices_uri parameter in the client.php ( $webservices_uri = "http://myipserver:8080/jasperserver/services/repository"; ) and don't have any error descripcion.. the script $username="tomcat"; $password="tomcat"; if ($username != '') { $result = ws_checkUsername($username, $password); print_r($result); The result stdClass Object ( [faultcode] => Client [faultstring] => [faultactor] => [detail] => ) If I try to access to the url with the navegador, it works fine ( with tomcat/tomcat ) I hope that you can help me, thanks very much Post edited by: bbean, at: 2007/03/27 16:50
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