The feature is working fine in jasperserver. But I found it won't reload data even data was changed in DB. ex. US -> NY, NJ, CA, DC. and I delete CA in DB. It still show "NY, NJ, CA and DC" in the list.
I have a report with "Ignore pagination" was checked. it works fine if export to HTML and Excel. But always got an empty PDF output. The output should have 30 pages. Is it too many pages for PDF output?
Is there any way to pass 2nd DB connection to report? I have a report that need to fethc data from 2 database. I can build 2 separate JDBC datasources in JasperServer, but can't find a way to pass all of them to report.
Is it possible to get client IP? I need it to filter the output. ex. only clinet from can see data of customerA, but can see both customer A and B.
are you talking about the report parameters? you can do it in jasperserver easily. There is a step called "Controls & Resources" of Report Wizard, you can add parameters(single select-query in your case) to the report. Jasperserver will show a form or pop-up window to end-user to collect parameters.
1) How jasper server stores generated reports? is this in tables or xml files? Usually jasperserver stores all reports in bundled mysql. you can use js-import/js-export to move your reports to new server. I have no idea on your 2nd question.
I have the config such that <bean id="initialDirContextFactory" class=""> <constructor-arg value="ldap://"/> <property name="userDn"><value>cn=Manager,cn=Users,dc=home,dc=com</value></property> <property name="password"><value>abcde12345</value></property> </bean> The above configuration working fine. But it is not a good behavor to write password in plain text. Is there a way to authenticate a user without providing manager's password for binding to MS Active Directory? or use the logon's user account to bind it.
Thanks for your suggestion. It is working. I miss "&" before. The full string should be (&(sAMAccountName={0})(memberOf=CN=JasperserverRole,CN=Users,DC=myhome,DC=com)) and it is working fine. thanks again. Post Edited by fort5904 at 05/18/2010 15:43
Jasperserver was successfully integrated with Microsoft Active Directory already. But right now, all valid domain users are able to logon jasperserver. Is there any way to restrict a user with specified ROLE (ex. ROLE_JASPERSERVER) to logon?