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Posts posted by umair

  1. I now want to transfer my Jasper server files to the server.


    I have copied the same schema and the jasperserver files in the webapps folder.

    Unfortunately, my password on the server is different from that of my test bed.

    Jasper server therefore gives me errors on start that it is unable to connect to the DB.

    I believe this password is embedded in the files of jasperserver for jasperadmin.


    How do i change that?

  2. I changed the configurations as you told.

    I now have the following configurations:



    <property name="homePageByRole">
    <property name="defaultHomePage">




    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=home.html">
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    If your browser doesn't automatically go there,
    you may want to go to <a href="home.html">the destination</a>



    But i am still getting the redirection to repository.

    Am i doing something wrong?

  3. Hello!

    I have been working with this problem for quiet some time now and still haven't reached any solution.


    I created a multi select(query) options in Jasper Server. This list is suppose to pass the list of cities to the report created by ireport.


    My query in report parses the parameter as:


    where cities IN $p{city}


    In my report, i went through these possible steps to parse the parameter values:


    1. Defined parameter 'city' in report as a string.

    This gave me an error 'java.lang.ClassCastException' at jasper Server.


    2. Changed the paramter type to Object. The report now gives me an error:


    java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '_binary'¬ísr1org.apache.commons.collections.set.ListOrderedSetüÓžöúíSL' at line 19


    3. So, i created a new variable, str_city.

    The configuration now is:


    city: java.lang.Object

    str_city: java.lang.String


    str_city has a default value of :




    Now, the value being passed to the report is,

    "[city_val1, city_val2]"

    which obviously gives me an error.

    The correct output to the SQL query should be:

    "city_val1", "city_val2"



    How should i achieve this thing?

    How are you guys dealing with passing of multiple values?

  4. How would you create two Single List/Multiple List Selection menus who are dependent on one other.


    Like one drop down having values for countries and other drop down having values for cities.


    City drop down is dependent on Country drop down.


    How can i do that in Jasper Server??

  5. So, i tried again with changing of paramteres and i observed that if a Collection's object e.g:



    is being passed to the report, then the following expression


    where report_id in ($P{p_reportID})


    would evaluate to :


    [code] where report_id in (1,2,3)


    This would give an error.


    So, i made two variables,

    One p_reportID as a java.util.Collections and

    str_p_reportID as java.lang.String


    Now, str_p_reportID has a default expression of




    I then use str_p_reportID in the query as:


    [code]where report_id in $P{str_p_reportID}


    This was supposed to return ("1","2","3")

    but it now returns ("1,2,3").


    I am kinda stuck ova here...

    Post edited by: umair, at: 2008/05/07 14:52

  6. This join() function is'nt of java.util.Collection.

    Which Class does it belong to ???


    I tried using org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join(java.util.Collections,char)


    but this one also does'nt give the required results.


    The required result should be...






    But all these examples...which you also stated, would return,




    This returns an empty report.


    Post edited by: umair, at: 2008/05/07 12:59

    Post edited by: umair, at: 2008/05/07 15:04

  7. hey DNV,

    Thanx for the quick reply.

    I tried what you suggested and i am facing the following exceptions:


    java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '_binary'¬ísr1org.apache.commons.collections.set.ListOrderedSetüÓžöúíSL' at line 20

    java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '_binary'¬ísr1org.apache.commons.collections.set.ListOrderedSetüÓžöúíSL' at line 20
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:2928)
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1571)
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1666)
  8. Sometimes, when i log in, Jasper Server throws the following error message:


    org.springframework.webflow.executor.support.FlowExecutorArgumentExtractionException: Unable to extract the flow definition id parameter: make sure the client provides the '_flowId' parameter as input or set the 'defaultFlowId' property; the parameters provided in this request are: map[[empty]

    rg.springframework.webflow.executor.support.FlowExecutorArgumentExtractionException: Unable to extract the flow definition id parameter: make sure the client provides the '_flowId' parameter as input or set the 'defaultFlowId' property; the parameters provided in this request are: map[[empty]]
    at org.springframework.webflow.executor.support.RequestParameterFlowExecutorArgumentHandler.extractFlowId(RequestParameterFlowExecutorArgumentHandler.java:81)

  9. okey...

    so while passing these list of values through jasper server, the ireport is giving me classCastException.

    the receiving parameter has a type String.


    I know that i need to declare that 'string' parameter as an 'object' in ireport. (for handling of array string)

    But now, i am kinda stuck...

    what and how should i go about now ??


    1. How should i use this value as in a query?

  10. While creating a Control in a report:


    I created an Input Control with the Type "Multi-Select Query".

    Now, i can see the values listed as multiple select options.

    But how can i adjust this control so i can have an option to 'Select All'.

    Right now, i can select all options, individually.

    But i need one option as 'Select All' among other options.

    How would i achieve that ?

  11. Hello!

    Is there a possibility to pass multiple values to ireport as in a single variable?

    I can see, that like other variables, i would declare an array variable.

    But how would i parse the values to work with SQL query?

  12. I understand how you can calculate the sum for each group.

    But how can i calculate the sum for the whole report and display it on the footer??


    I tried working with a resetType 'Report' but it showed me sum as of every page.


    I require the total sum to be displayed on every page.

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