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Everything posted by marianela

  1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate yor help... :) I'll try your code. Have a nice weekend, and thanks a lot again. Regards, Marianela ;)
  2. Hi jcatubay, My name is marianela and I'm new using ireport and jasperreports. Could you do me a big favor? Please? Could you please share with me the code that you are using to deploy your report? Like I said i'm new here and I really need some code example to do that because the code that I wrote doesn't work at all¡¡¡ Pleaseeeee, I'll really appreciate your help¡¡ Thanks a lot in advanced, have a nice week :) regards, Marianela ;) (in case you you prefer, this is my e-mail: nelis343@hotmail.com)
  3. ok¡¡ I appreciate your answer... I'll try other solution like PDF or HTMl... Thanks a lot and please forgive me to make you lose your time... Regards, Marianela :)
  4. Hi all¡¡ I really hope that somebody can help me with this... Since my boss put the application, where I'm deploying my reports, into the server, my reports doesn't work anymore... I mean, I have a .jspx (JDeveloper that has links that when the client click on one of them it supposed to show the report... The code that I'm using to deploy the reports is something like: Code: public void rptPagosPen (String pEstado) { PreparedStatement st = getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement("commit",1); Connection conn; String strAux = new String(path); strAux = strAux.concat("\rptPagosPen.jrxml"«»); try { conn = st.getConnection(); st.close(); JasperReport jasperReport; jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(strAux); Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR",path); parameters.put("pEstado", pEstado); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, conn); /*JasperViewer reporte = new JasperViewer(jasperPrint, false); reporte.setTitle("Listado de Pagos Pendientes"«»); reporte.show();*/ JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint, false); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO } catch (JRException e) { // TODO } } But like I said nothing happend... no even an error message, is like the JasperViewer is generated but isn't send to the client or something¡¡¡¡ :ohmy: I really don't know what could be wrong..:( But I really have to find the solution pretty soon because my bos is lossing his patience :unsure: Please.... If someone knows the answer... I'll really appreciate the help... I was thinking that maybe I suppose to use JRViewer instead... but I'm not sure how to do that... Pleaseeeeee¡¡¡¡¡ Thanks a lot in advanced, Regards, Nelita Post edited by: marianela, at: 2007/02/05 20:01
  5. Dear Teodord, Thanks a lot for you really quick answer, I really appreciate your help¡¡¡ I was looking at the samples that you told but I couldn't find the solution to my problem :( If it isn't too much trouble, I'll really appreciate if you can tell me if this code is correct in order to deploy the report at viewer.. //------------------ JasperReport jasperReport; jasperReport = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(strAux); Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR",path); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, conn); JasperViewer reporte = new JasperViewer(jasperPrint, true); reporte.setTitle("Impresión del Reporte de Servicios"); reporte.show(); //-------------------------- Should I use a JRViewer object instead?¡¡¡¡¡ Thanks a lot in advanced... I'll be waiting for your answer Regards, Nelita [file name=ReportCall-754ad6de536f26f288bb8449dcb4c889.doc size=22016]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/ReportCall-754ad6de536f26f288bb8449dcb4c889.doc[/file]
  6. Dearsuresh_velagaleti: Sorry to bother you, but I really need to use a hiperlink to deploy a "detail" report from the "master" report (what I need is to pass some parameters from the "master" report to the "detail" report) If it isn't too much trouble... could you send me some example of that JRViewer hiperlink that you talk about in your las post???? Please... I really will appreciate the sample... :) Thanks a lot in advanced... Regards, Nelita ;)
  7. Hi everybody¡¡ I hope someone can help me on this issue... I create several reports using Ireport and Jasper Report 1.2.7; I call them from a Jdeveloper and everything works fine... The problem start when we deploy our application into the application server, I can't visualize the reports¡¡ I click on the correponding link but nothing happend... no even an error message :ohmy: ¡¡¡ I really don't know what could be the problem...Pleaasee, any idea? I'm showing the reports just using the JRViewer... Pleaseee¡¡¡ any suggestion will be appreciate... Thanks in advance... Regards, Nelita ;) P.S. Maybe you can take a look on my code in Jdeveloper to call the report... [file name=ReportCall.doc size=23552]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/ReportCall.doc[/file]
  8. Dear EuzkoArima, Thanks a lot for your answer, it really help to resolve my problem... It was what you said, I didn't realize that I have some fields of an incorrect type... :blush: Thanks a lot again¡¡¡ Have a nice day, Regards, Marianela ;) Post edited by: marianela, at: 2007/02/01 12:22
  9. Hi all, I have a question, I need to catch the actual date . Can I use sysdate?... I mean, I need to include sysdate in a SQL statement... My sql is like... ***select decode(fac.tipo_factura, 'P', fac.id_prev, fac.no_factura) no_factura, fac.id_servicio, srv.descripcion, fac.fecha_recibo, fac.tipo_factura, fac.id_cliente, clie.nombre, fac.periodo, fac.periodo_contable,fac.fecha_ini_servicio, fac.duracion_servicio, fac.fecha_caducidad, decode(fac.factura_pagada,'S','SI','N','NO','P','PP','E','SP') pagado, fac.fecha_pago, decode($P{p_moneda},'B', nvl(decode(fac.tipo_factura, 'P', monto_bs_prev, monto_bs),0), nvl(decode(fac.tipo_factura, 'P', monto_us_prev, monto_us),0)) monto_cobrar, 0 monto_pagado, fac.id_prev, '' periodo_ref, fac.id_documento from con_facturas fac, con_servicios srv, con_clientes clie where to_char(fac.id_cliente) = $P{p_cliente} and (fac.id_servicio = $P{p_servicio} or $P{p_servicio} = 0) and fac.periodo >= $P{p_periodo} and fac.periodo <= $P{p_periodofin} and ((fac.factura_pagada in ($P{p_deuda},$P{p_deuda1}) or $P{p_deuda} = 'T') or ($P{p_deuda} = 'M' and sysdate > fac.fecha_caducidad and fac.factura_pagada = 'N')) and fac.tipo_cuenta = 'C' and fac.id_servicio = srv.id_servicio and (fac.tipo_factura = $P{p_tipof} or fac.tipo_factura = $P{p_tipop} or fac.tipo_factura = $P{p_tipoc}) and fac.id_cliente = clie.id_cliente*** ............ But when I try to run the report I obtain some error like... it.businesslogic.ireport.ReportClassLoader@c84054 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException:ÂErrorsÂwereÂencounteredÂwhenÂcompilingÂreportÂexpressionsÂclassÂfile: 1.ÂCannotÂcastÂfromÂDateÂtoÂString ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂvalueÂ=Â(java.lang.String)(newÂjava.util.Date()); ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ<--------------------------------------> 2.ÂCannotÂcastÂfromÂDateÂtoÂString ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂvalueÂ=Â(java.lang.String)(newÂjava.util.Date()); ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ<--------------------------------------> 3.ÂCannotÂcastÂfromÂDateÂtoÂString ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂvalueÂ=Â(java.lang.String)(newÂjava.util.Date()); ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ<--------------------------------------> 3Âerrors What am I doing wrong??? I think that maybe sysdate is not correct in IReports 1.2.7, if so, what coul I use to get the actual date? Pleasee I really need help¡¡¡¡ Thanks for all...:) Regards.... Post edited by: marianela, at: 2007/01/31 15:32
  10. HI¡¡ Little favor please... I can't find the example that you're talking about... Could you tell where to find it??? Please, I will appreciate the tip... Thanks a lot in.... Marianela :)
  11. Hi everybody¡¡ I'm really sorry to insist on this problem, but I couldn't find any solution yet... I need to create a drill down report, meaning that I need to first show the "master" report in the screen and when the user click on a link (i need a link for each row of data) that link call a servlet that I wrote in order to create a "detail" report by passing the value of a field in that row... What I need to know is how am I supposed to call that servlet using the hyperlink that? What I have to put in each field on that tab to do this? Pleaseeeeeeee¡¡¡¡ I'm really in big problem¡¡ I have to find the solution very soon...:( Any help will be really appreciate... Thanks for your time... Marianela P.S. I'm using IReport 1.2.7, Jasper Report 1.2.7 and JDeveloper to call the reports...
  12. Hi¡¡¡ Sorry to butter you, but I'm facing the same problem with my report...Did you find a solution??? If so, could you please tell/explain it to me??? I'll really appreciate your help.... Regards... Nelita... P.S. Sorry if I made mistakes writting in english, but this is not my mother language...but I'm doing my best to avoid making mistakes...Thanks for the undestanding.. :P
  13. HI all¡¡ I have the same situation, I need to create a link in my report that passes some parameters to a servlet in order to run a "detail" report in a new window...Sadly, I really don´t know exactly what am I supossed to put in the link tab of the "master report", what exactly put in the servlet to run the "detail report", where to put the servlet... Please, if you or someone else find the answers to these problems I will really appreciate some guide, advise, example or something that could show me the right way to do what I need... Thank all very much for your time... Regards... Marianela :)
  14. Hi everyone¡¡ :) I'm trying to create a drill down menu in one of my reports (I need to send some parameters in order to create the new report). I'm using iReport 1.2.7 and Jasper Reports 1.2.7 I was reading the forum these days, and I understand that there is a way to do what I need using an hyperlink that points to a servlet that runs the new report...:( Please..Does anyone can explain me how to do that? I really need help... I have to find a solution for this matter soon.. Any help that you can provide me will be really appreciate... Regards, Marianela :)
  15. Hi everyone¡¡ I have the same problem... I'm trying to export a report (actually 4 big reports at once) to a .xls file, but the report is too big that I have a Java Heap error... Can anyone help me with this problem? Please¡¡¡ I really need help in this issue... Thanks¡¡¡ Any help or suggestion will be aprecciate :) Regards... Nelita ;)
  16. I have the same question... Please can anyone help us?? Any help (an example, a tutorial...something) will be apreciate.... Regards.... Nelita ;)
  17. Thank you¡¡¡ I really apreciate your help¡¡¡ I tried to do what you told me and it works, but what I need is to create an hiperlink to another report... I mean, I have a master report that has, for every record on it, a link that shows another report (like a detail report)... In other words,...What I need to do is to create a drill down to a diferent report, passing some parameters... I read somewhere that I have to create a servlet to run the detail report o something like that. Please, If this isn't too much to ask I'll really apreciate an orientation in this problem (and If it's posible some example to see :( )... Thank you very much...
  18. Hi friends... I'm a new user for Ireports and I have some problems trying to built a drill-down with Ireports... I don't know how to do that¡¡¡ Should I use servlet or a scriptlet? What is suposse to have te scriplet/servlet? What kind of hiperlink do I have to use?... I really have no idea how to do this... Please help me¡¡¡ Maybe someone could explain it to me or have an example that I can see... I really will apreciate the colaboration...Thanks... Happy 2007 for everyone¡¡¡ Best wishes to all...
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