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  1. Ah, yes, I was wondering about that - wasn't sure if the info was in there or not. I'm happy to pony up for it to get the info I need. Thanks very much, and excellent work with JasperReports!.
  2. I'm looking for documentation about mapping OLAP query results to fields in my report design. I looked at the sample document and that was enough to get me going. However, I'm hoping to find more detailed information about what is going on in the contents of the <fieldDescription> element. I've been digging through the source to try to figure it out. The ANTLR grammar /src/net/sf/jasperreports/olap/mapping/mapping.g seems like there is quite a bit more to the mapping expressions than the mondrian/jasper sample shows. However, I'm having trouble finding any reference material on it. Any ideas where I should look? Thanks much in advance. Post edited by: pcal, at: 2007/08/14 20:10
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