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Posts posted by ireportDev

  1. Hi,

    Can we use value of text field in Jasper Report in any calculation?

    Actually I have 2 text fields in my japser report. First text field's "Evaluation Time" is "Now" and the 2nd text field's "Evaluation Time" is "Group". When report is executed, these 2 text fields show correct values that I need in 3rd text field which is basically (1st textfield value/ 2nd textfield value).


    Pls let me know if there is any way to fetch values of these text fields.


    Thanks in advance...

  2. Hi,

    I have created a jasper report using iReport 2.0.4. When I compile this report using jasperreports-2.0.4.jar, it is giving me warning messages-

    The 'leftBorder' attribute is deprecated. Use the <pen> tag instead.


    My question is: When I'm creating the report using iReport 2.0.4, why iReport is adding the deprecated attributes or tags in the generated .jrxml file.

    Is it a bug with iReport 2.0.4 as it is still adding these deprecated attributes?


    Please confirm.


    Thanks in advance!


  3. Hi,

    I'm using JExcelApiExporter class to export jasper report data to excel sheet. But I dont want to export the report header & footer to the excel sheet.

    I'm using jasperreports-2.0.4.jar

    Pls let me know if there is any way to achieve this.



    Thanks in advance..


    Lucian pls help ...


    Post edited by: ireportDev, at: 2008/04/04 18:26

    Post edited by: ireportDev, at: 2008/04/04 18:42

  4. Hi,


    I have created a jasper report using iReport 2.0.4 (which uses jasperreports-2.0.4.jar).

    Now we have a reporting engine (developed using java) which makes use of jasperreports-2.0.4.jar to compile .jrxml jasper report file which is created using iReport 2.0.4

    While compiling its giving following warning messages:

    WARNING: The 'pen' attribute is deprecated. Use the <pen> tag instead

    Apr 4, 2008 9:48:49 AM net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRBoxFactory setBoxAttributes

    [JasperReportCompiler] WARNING: The 'topBorder' attribute is deprecated. Use the <pen> tag instead.


    I'm wondering why is it giving these warning msgs because I'm using iReport 2.0.4(which uses jasperreports-2.0.4.jar) to create jasper report and my jasper eport engine also uses jasperreports-2.0.4.jar to compile the report.


    Can anyone throw some light on this pls?


    Thanks in advance..


    Lucian pls help ...


    Post edited by: ireportDev, at: 2008/04/04 18:25

    Post edited by: ireportDev, at: 2008/04/04 18:43

  5. Grid is enabled in Excel. the reason why its not showing the border is that by default the background color of the cells is white. If we make bk color as "no fill" in excel it displays the cell border.

    Anyways thanks for ur help....

  6. Hi,
    When I preview/export the Jasper Report to an excel sheet, it exports the jasper report data successfully but it doesn't show the border around the cell.
    I have attached zip file containing 2 screen shots for your reference. ExcelExport1.jpg shows how iReport does it currently. And ExcelExport2.jpg shows how I want to get it (with cell borders).

    Please let me know if its possible to have cell borders in exported excel sheet or not.

    Thanks in advance...

    [file name=screenshots.zip size=5513]
    Post edited by: ireportDev, at: 2008/04/02 15:37

  7. Hi,

    I have 2 fields in jasper report shown below -


    StaticField1 - TextField1 data

    StaticField2 - TextField2 data


    When the data of TextField1 increases(when multiple rows are displayed for TextField1), the TextField2 shifts downwards because I have made TextField2 as "Float".

    But the StaticField2 does not move downwards even though it is also declared as "Float".

    Do I need to set any other property for StaticField2 so that it also moves downwards accordingly.


    Thanks in advance...

  8. Hi,

    I created a jasper report using 2.0.4 and it compiles fine with this version. But when I tried compiling that report in prev version 1.2.0, it gave me "No data found" SAXParser exception.

    I have not defined "No data" section in the report. Is it the reason why it is giving the compilation error? Please confirm.


    Thanks in advance..

  9. Hi,

    I have a select query(Select username from users where userids in ($P{p_user_id})). This query returns rows depending upon the value passed to the paramater (p_user_id) as a prompt where I enter the user ids.

    As long as I'm entering single user id (for eg. u101), its returning me the correct username. But when i enter multiple user ids (like u101,u102) in the prompt, its not retruning any data. I also tried giving the user ids inside single quotes (like 'u101','u102') in the prompt but it didn't work.

    Pls let me know how should i format the input parameter(user ids) so that i get the user names.


    thanks in advance...

  10. Hi,

    I have a query which returns more than 1 value. The query is select username from users.

    I have to display user names returned by the query as comma separated values. That is I have to display the user names as userA, userB, userC in a single text box on the report.


    Please let me know how to do this.


    Thanks in advance...

    Post edited by: ireportDev, at: 2008/03/14 15:21

  11. Thanks. Now text fields are not overlapped. But the static text(Field Labels) in front of these text fields are not moving relaive to the text fields.

    I tried making the static text as "Float" as well but its not working out.

    Any suggestion....

  12. Hi,

    I want to add a text box in iReport which might or might not contain multiple rows.

    Now I want this text box to expand or shrink on the basis of the rows displayed in it. In other words, if there are 4 rows to be displayed in the text box then it should only take 4 rows space in the report & if there is only 1 row to be displayed then it should take 1 row space in the report.

    Please let me know how to achieve this.


    Thanks in advance...

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