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Posts posted by kunkasurendra

  1. This can be achieved using the Scriptlet concept.


    follow the steps


    1 . Create parameter in report design PRM_JOIN_CONDITION

    2 . Create New Java class, which extends the JRDefaultScriptlets

    create New Method to prepare the Join condition based on your creteria.


    Ex: public class JoinScriptlet extends JRDefaultScriptlet {


    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

    public String getJoinCondition() throws JRScriptletException


    String product = (String)this.getParameterValue("product");





    String product = (String)this.getFieldValue("product");

    buffer.append("AND table1.id = table2.id");


    return buffer;



    Note : Create jar file and place this in a classpath.


    3 . Scriptlet can be associated with a Report by adding a scriptletClass property to the JasperReports tag


    4 . Call the getJoinCondition() method from the PRM_JOIN_CONDITION defaultExpression



    5 . Add the PRM_JOIN_CONDITION parameter to your query


    select * from table1, table2 where table1.id= ? $P!{PRM_JOIN_CoNDITION}



    This may help you to resolve your issue.

  2. Issue : Extra column is added while exporting excel report from Jasperserver.

    I am facing the issue while exporting the excel report from JasperServer.
    I have designed the report in iReport 3.7 and tested, It i working fine without any extra column.
    Each filed width = Multipules of Ten
    Hight = 20 pixels
    Same JRXML is uploaded to Jasperserver 4.2 and exported the excel report from Jasperserver.
    It is giving the extra column in the excel report.
    could you please any body help on fix this issue.
  3. I have created a template for one of my adhoc report domains. Later I changed one database field in the domain.Field A was initially taken from Table A , I changed it to be from table B.

    when I tried to re-run the existing template , I got the below error in the jasperserver log.

    2012-02-10 06:22:41,236 ERROR ViewAdhocReportAction,[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '4' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)':186 - error setting up repo
            at com.jaspersoft.ji.semantic.service.SemanticDataService.rdq(SemanticDataService.java:832)
            at com.jaspersoft.commons.semantic.impl.SchemaImpl.getResourceObjectById(SchemaImpl.java:365)


    Please help to resolve the issue.

  4. 1 . For these kind of scenarios, you can go for the Scriptlets.

    Step 1 : Create ScriptletXXXXX.Java

    Step 2 : Create a method

     public String prepareWhereClause() {
      // Read PARAMETERS using the below code
      String companyName = (String) getParameterValue("COMPANY_NAME");
      String companyStatus = (String) getParameterValue("COMPANY_STATUS");
      String whereClause = "Where companies.copm_name LIKE '"+companyName+"' AND companies.comp_status LIKE '"+companyStatus+"';

      return whereClause;

    From JRXML :

    Create parameters  :


    For PRM_WHERECLAUSE : Default Value Expression : $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.prepareWhereClause()

  5. HI,

    I am facing the issue in the JasperServer, when I am trying to export the report to Excel(XLS , XLSX and CSV), Main problem is ,I have created the report with Page Header and Footer and exported in Jasperserver, When I am exporting to excel, Header and footer is getting displayed in between the rows.Because of this calculations are getting effected.

    Please see the attached current and expected excel sheets with this post.

    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row1, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Footer is occupied the Row48, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row51, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.

    Is there any JasperServer configurations required to get the Expectedresult.xls ?

    Is it possible to display the Current Result.xls as Expected Result.xls

    Please help us in to resolve this issue.It is stopped to continue the developement work.

  6. HI,

    I am facing the issue in the JasperServer, when I am trying to export the report to Excel(XLS , XLSX and CSV), Main problem is ,I have created the report with Page Header and Footer and exported in Jasperserver, When I am exporting to excel, Header and footer is getting displayed in between the rows.Because of this calculations are getting effected.

    Please see the attached current and expected excel sheets with this post.

    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row1, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Footer is occupied the Row48, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row51, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.

    Is there any JasperServer configurations required to get the Expectedresult.xls ?

    Is it possible to display the Current Result.xls as Expected Result.xls

    Please help us in to resolve this issue.It is stopped to continue the developement work.



  7. HI,

    I am facing the issue in the JasperServer, when I am trying to export the report to Excel(XLS , XLSX and CSV), Main problem is ,I have created the report with Page Header and Footer and exported in Jasperserver, When I am exporting to excel, Header and footer is getting displayed in between the rows.Because of this calculations are getting effected.

    Please see the attached current and expected excel sheets with this post.

    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row1, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Footer is occupied the Row48, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row51, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.

    Is it possible to display the Current Result.xls as Expected Result.xls.

    Is there any JasperReports API option is abailable to get this done?

    Please help us in to resolve this issue.It is stopped to continue the developement work.




  8. HI,

    I am facing the issue in the JasperServer, when I am trying to export the report to Excel(XLS , XLSX and CSV), Main problem is ,I have created the report with Page Header and Footer and exported in Jasperserver, When I am exporting to excel, Header and footer is getting displayed in between the rows.Because of this calculations are getting effected.

    Please see the attached current and expected excel sheets with this post.

    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row1, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Footer is occupied the Row48, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.
    In Current Result.xls, Header is occupied the Row51, but In Expected result, I did not occipied any row.

    Is it possible to display the Current Result.xls as Expected Result.xls

    Please help us in to resolve this issue.It is stopped to continue the developement work.

  9. Hi All,

    I have a problem while implementing the Conditional styles on Currecy formats.

    I need to apply the Conditional Currency Styles based on conditions.

    I have created one Text field with BigDecimal. I need to apply the Conditional Currency style on the TextField based on the conditions.

    If PRM_REPORT_TYPE = TA , I need to display the Amount field with currency format.

    If PRM_REPORT_TYPE = TC , I don't need to display any currency format.

    I have created the style as i mentioned in below.

    It is working only for fonts.

    Could you please help in to resole the issue.





    <style name="AmtStyle" isDefault="true" pattern="¤ #,##0.00" fontSize="12">  <conditionalStyle>   <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($P{PRM_REPORT_TYPE}.equals("TC"))]]></conditionExpression>   <style isDefault="false" style="AmtStyle" mode="Opaque" pattern="¤ #,##0.00" fontSize="8"/>  </conditionalStyle>  <conditionalStyle>   <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$P{PRM_REPORT_TYPE} == "TC"]]></conditionExpression>   <style isDefault="false" style="AmtStyle" mode="Opaque" pattern="¤ #,##0.00" fontSize="12"/>  </conditionalStyle> </style>
  10. Hi,

    I am not clear , how the Pagination is working in JasperServer, when we request 100000 records.

    When we request 100000 records,Jasperserver will show some 20 records per page.when you click on next page,weather the Jasperserver will load all the 100000 recods and store it in momorry or It will fire the Query again to retrive the next 20 records,

    Could you please clarify how this pagination is happining in Jasperserver.

  11. Hi ,

    I am new to Jasperserver, I want to display the Statis reports or repository list using the JAVA API provided by the Jssperserver.

    Currently we are listing the reports using the Webservice call, without using Webservice, I need to access the Jasperserver using the JAVA API.

    Could you please provide any sample code to display the list of reports.

    Could you please help how to access the reporsitiries using JAVA API.


    Thanks in advane,



    Post Edited by kunkasurendra at 09/03/2010 06:05
  12.   I need a pdf, thats need to generated in Russian and Ukraine Languages. 

    Steps i followed are

    1. I saved the property file by using the encoding as Unicode.

    2. By using native2ascci command, i converted the Property file which is saved in Unicode to ANSI.

    native2ascii -encoding unicode <sourcefile_ru_RU.properties> <destinationfile_ru_RU.properties>.

    3. I set the Set report locale to Russian in iReport(2.0.2) and executed the report in JRViewer Preview

    I am getting the output in Russian Language..

    4. But when i keep Pdf Preview iam unable to get the Russian Text which is in Property File.

      So Suggest me What to do to get the Russian Language and Ukraine Language as Pdf Output.

  13. I need a pdf, thats need to generated in Russian and Ukraine Languages.


    Steps i followed are


    1. I saved the property file by using the encoding as Unicode.


    2. By using native2ascci command, i converted the Property file which is saved in Unicode to ANSI.


    native2ascii -encoding unicode .


    3. I set the Set report locale to Russian in iReport(2.0.2) and executed the report in JRViewer Preview


    I am getting the output in Russian Language..


    4. But when i keep Pdf Preview iam unable to get the Russian Text which is in Property File.


    So Suggest me What need to do for getting the Russian Language and Ukraine Language as Pdf Output.



  14. I have one problem while generating the .pdf file using the JRPdfExporter.

    My report is having more than the 4000 pages of data and it is taking more than 20 min of time.

    How to reduce the time taking to generate the pdf file?

    Is there any mechanism to generate faster way.

    We are using the SwapVirtualizer.

    How to use the JRSwapVirtulizer(Please suggest ,how to use these virtulizer).

    I have more reports like that.(More than the (4000 pages)



    Thanks in advance.

    Surendra Babu.K

  15. SUBJECT : How to dispaly the PAGE &n of &n in the bottom of the page using Group footer.

    Hi All,

    I have a proglem with the Group footer.
    I want to display the PAGE 1 of 1 in the group footer.
    I have done the grooping based on the "TYPE".

    TYPE 1 : 760
    TYPE 1 : 761
    TYPE 1 : 762

    I am spliting the page based on the group.means Once the group changes, I want to reset the page number to 1.


    Type one is having the 3 pages of data.

    then 1st , 2nd and 3rd page numbers will be like that.

    TYPE 1 :

    PAGE 1 OF 3
    PAGE 2 OF 3
    PAGE 3 OF 3

    TYPE 2 :

    PAGE 1 OF 1

    TYPE 3 :

    PAGE 1 OF 1

    Problem :

    When i placed the PAGE &n of &n in the group footer, it is floating to near to Detail band
    I want to display the PAGE &n of &n  in the bottom of the page.

    Ex : if the TYPE 1 : page is having  the less data, then the PAGE &n of &n  is displaying the immediate to the details band data.

    Please help me on this,i have structed with this issue.

    NOTE : I am generating the PDF files.

    |           GROUP Header
    |     DETAIL BAND
    | TYPE 1:

    |   LINE1
    |   LINE2

    |      GROUP FOOTER      
    |   PAGE 1 OF 3


    |           GROUP Header
    |     DETAIL BAND
    | TYPE 1:

    |   LINE3
    |   LINE4

    |      GROUP FOOTER      
    |   PAGE 2 OF 3


    |         GROUP Header
    |     DETAIL BAND
    | TYPE 1:

    |   LINE5
    |   LINE6

    |    GROUP FOOTER      
    |   PAGE 3 OF 3


    |         GROUP Header
    |     DETAIL BAND
    | TYPE 2:

    |   LINE1
    |   LINE2

    |     GROUP FOOTER      
    |   PAGE 1 OF 1


    |           Page Header
    |     DETAIL BAND
    | TYPE 3:

    |   LINE1
    |   LINE2

    |    GROUP PAGE FOOTER      
    |   PAGE 1 OF 1




    Thanks and Regards,

    Surendra Babu>k.

  16. I have two variables(both string type) returned from the subreport .
    I have some fields and one frame(with thin border)  in the main report which has to be dispalyed only when the subreports variables are different. If both the subreport varibles are the same both fields as well as frame should not be displayed.
    By changing the evaluation time for fields as 'report ',fields with proper condition is working fine .But frame is  not behaving as expected b'coz we have no option for chaning the evaluation time for frame
    Is there any way for displaying frames when subreport varibles are different and and not displaying frame when they are same


  17. Hi,

    I am working on migration project. to generate .txt files using the jasper reports.

    In database the data is like that.


    In Oracle reports the data is displaying like that.


    But in jasper I have given the filed width = 350 px
    Means It will display the data upto 35 chars and remaining data is streatching into next line.


    Issue :

    I want to display the data as per the oracle .

    ex :


    Please some one help me on this issue.

    Thanks in advance,


  18. Hi ,

    I am generating the reports  using JRTextExporter,

    Issue1 :

    I had Two issue while streatching the text , while i get the some special character in the text.

    In one field i am getting the Text like that.


    If the text is having  the " - " the output should display like that as mentioned below.



    Issue 2 :

    I have created two fields in row 1,  in row 2 one field.

    Row 1 : Field 1                   Field2

    But in output i am getting the space in second row.
    I have not given any space between the row.


    Please find the attachment , for the clarification.

    Is there any solution for this query.

    Please help, how to streatch this text , when i encounter this " - "

    Please find the attached jrxml


    Thanks in advance,
    Surendra Babu.K.



    Post Edited by Surendra at 02/19/09 04:16
  19. Hi,

    I am trying to create the conditionals in the Jasper reports.

    I  am using the iReport2.0.2 version.

    I have created the style with fontName=Arial size = 8


    I have added the condition for the Conditional style with fontName = CourierName and size=10


       <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($P{PRM_LANG_CODE}.equals("02"))]]></conditionExpression>
        fontName="Courier New"

    When i am viewing from JRViewer, that condition is working, but if i generae the PDF file, the condition is not working.

    But it is not workng in iReport2.0.2 , Colud you please help on this?

    Please help this issue, it is very urgent in my project.

    Thanks in advance,





  20. Hi,

    I am new to Jasper reports, I am using the iReport2.0.2,

    I am developing the reports, these reports is having the nore than 2 pages,
    I want to display one message in Pagefooter like "Continue to next page", but when it reaches to the last page , it should not display the "Continue to nxt page" message.

    But i don not want to use the last page footer for this purpose.

    Please help me on this ,

    how to place the condition for the message to display in Pagefooter, but not in lastpage?

    Please give me some solution, What type of condition I wnat to use here?


    Thanks in advance,

  21. Hi,

    I am new to Jasper reports, I am using the iReport2.0.2,

    I am developing the reports, these reports is having the nore than 2 pages,
    I want to display one message in Pagefooter like "Continue to next page", but when it reaches to the last page , it should not display the "Continue to nxt page" message.

    But i don not want to use the last page footer for this purpose.

    Please help me on this ,

    how to place the condition for the message to display in Pagefooter, but not in lastpage?

    Please give me some solution, What type of condition I wnat to use here?


    Thanks in advance,

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