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Everything posted by Exie

  1. ... I just tried checking out the source, and it seemed to complete ok, but alas, no source files appeared. [root@localhost Jasper]# svn checkout --username Exie http://scm.jasperforge.org/svn/repos/jasperetl Authentication realm: <http://scm.jasperforge.org:80> Authorization Realm Password for 'Exie': Checked out revision 0. [root@localhost Jasper]#
  2. Hi, Everytime I goto the wiki and select "File Download" it comes back "You are not authrorized to view this page". How can I download and try out JasperETL ?
  3. Hi folks, I've used jasper reports before during J2EE development, so have a rough idea of the concepts. I've installed the Jasper intelligence pack, which works great striaght off the bat. My issue is, I have various lumps of data I'd like to make reports off, browse with OLAP etc, I can plug my oracle drivers into the web.xml and everything, but how do I use them ? Do I just knock up some JRXML's and pop them under ./samples/reports/ ? Is there any kinda guide to move people from the sample data, to their own data, with their own report(s) ?
  4. Hi, I have made a JRXML which I run on my local Windows box, and it renders fine. But when I package up my web app, and deploy to a Linux server (running in headless mode) it chops off some of the text fields. Specifically, the following field: Code:<textField pattern="d MMM yyyy"> <reportElement x="91" y="6" width="40" height="12"/> <textElement> <font size="7"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"><![CDATA[$V{JavaStartDate}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> I've checked the output of both PDF's and they are using the same font (Helvetica/ArialMT size 7). Yet when I run it locally I get "01 Aug 2005" and when I run the same code up on the Linux box I just get "01 Aug ". Any ideas ? Post edited by: Exie, at: 2006/07/31 01:46
  5. Hi, I had some trouble importing the WAR into my IDE, so I thought I'd try suck the latest out of SVN and build it that way. So I installed Subclipse, punched in the URL and I got this: RA layer request failed svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svnroot/jasperintel' svn: PROPFIND of '/svnroot/jasperintel': could not connect to server (https://svn.sourceforge.net) I'm pretty sure I've got my proxies configured properly, any ideas how to get the latest source package ?
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