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  1. Yeah that will do the job. Thank you for your time resolving this. Igor.
  2. Hi, I would like to know how to set hibernate page size for individual reports. This entry in the jasperreports.ini file would apply to all reports, so this is not what I want: net.sf.jasperreports.hql.query.list.page.size=5000 I noticed there is alternative parameter: JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory.PROPERTY_HIBERNATE_QUERY_LIST_PAGE_SIZE for setting page size, but I don't know how to use this. JasperReports tries to find this parameter in dataset's properties map. How do I set it there? Regards, Igor.
  3. Hello, I was wondering about performance and memory issues with hibernate connection compared to jdbc when used in jasperreports. Hibernate is well known to perform poorly when fetching large amounts of data (100,000 records for example), mainly because of storing all objects in session cache. I don't know much on how exactly jasper uses hibernate, but I would expect those memory problems would be present here as well. What are your experiences when working with reports that require large amounts of data? Does jdbc connection and sql queries performs better? Regards, Igor.
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