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Everything posted by greenockboy

  1. Hi Well I managed to work out the problem, I was using the wrong driver. The correct driver was: ca.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver;I then substituted edbc for ingres in the url....and hey presto. Regards GB
  2. Hi Does anyone know if it is possible to restrict the actual printing of a report to one time only. What I mean is that a physical print can be taken of a newly generated report only once, any attempt to re-print it will fail. Any subsequent new report, with new data, will re-set this and again allow one print. Many Thanks GB
  3. Hi Managed to work this one out myself. Probably the best way seems to be using ireport's built in Java scriptlet utility. Simply select the scriptlet editor and create a method in the resultant automatic class. Your method will create a connection object and statement object which will facilitate communication with a database. The method should also create a new 'Date' object which will be formatted and stored in a very simple table, to be retrieved whenever needed. A call to the method can be placed in one of the events that the scriptlet class supports....that way the date/time will be placed in the table automatically every time a new report is generated. Regards GB
  4. Thanks for your reply j Unfortunately my knowledge of ireport is so limited that I don't know the answer to your question. It's very frustrating not being able to use it for the lack of something apparently so insignificant. I actually have the manual at work but was not able to work out how to get around my problem. Hopefully I'll have it solved soon as there must be a few people who have already managed to connect to ingres..............and one will post the solution. Many Thanks GB
  5. Hi This is just to say that I'm not restricted to using ingres. If anyone can provide the details to create a connection to a MS Access database then that would also be appreciated...........anything that will allow me to actually start using ireport. Many Thanks GB
  6. Hi I am hoping that someone can offer some advice on a task I have set myself. I am trying to work out a way to automatically store the date and time of a reports generation in a simple table. Each subsequent report will of course have a later date and time. However I am struggling to find a way to do this automatically within ireport. Any advice would be appreciated. Many Thanks GB
  7. Hi I have recently installed ingres DBMS onto my laptop and decided to install ireport to create some simple reports. I had created a database with Ingres and tried to create a connection in ireport, however when I test the connection I get an exception with a message saying that I need to enter a username and password. The message is: SQL problems: A user ID and password are required to establish a connection. jdbc:edbc://localhost:II7/testdb." I haven't added any username or password to Ingres and can freely access my database without entering any. Any advice on this would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks GB
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