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Posts posted by eisenrich



    The error was in my code.


    When i print to a printer that is not the default one i use:


    				PrintServiceAttributeSet psas = new HashPrintServiceAttributeSet();
    psas.add(new PrinterName(noDefaultPrinterName, null));

    JRPrintServiceExporter exporter = new JRPrintServiceExporter();

    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, report);
    exporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_SET, psas);



    instead of:


    [code]JasperPrintManager.printReport(report, printDialog);


    and the first piece of code is the one with error. I will check that later.


    thank you to all that read this post

  2. Hi, i have a report that is just one page, when i show it to the screen is just one page, but when i send it to the printer it prints two pages, the second is empty


    i have this report in two computers, previously in both were printed the reports without problem; but in one machine the windows was reinstalled, and in the second java was upgraded from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2; after that both computers print an extra page.


    Both computers have the same printer.


    If i show the report in the screen and from the jasperviewer i print it, the extra page is not printed.


    i don't know if some one had have this kind of problem, i hope some help, thank you



    jasperreports 1.3.4

    ireport 2.0.0

    java 1.6.2

    windows xp sp2 [file name=Factura.jrxml size=21130]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Factura.jrxml[/file]

    Post edited by: eisenrich, at: 2007/07/24 17:50

  3. I am very happy, the patch works very well! thank you.


    I want to offer you an apologize, for my bad manners in my last post, sorry :(


    But i can see the BIG B) advantaje that open source offers to the world; you are a big proyect and even just a single angry user is important for you, and you work even in the problem of a single user, that is amazing!.


    In the other side, in the closed source proyects; only the big companies, or the people with money, have voice. That's the reason because the closed programs never ever will be so great like open source, because open source is FOR the users, and not just for the company.


    Keep working guys; and again, thank you very much


    NOTE: here is a spanish translation for the JRViewer



    first.page=Primera pagina
    previous.page=Pagina anterior
    next.page=Pagina siguiente
    last.page=Ultima pagina
    go.to.page=Ir a la pagina
    actual.size=Tamaño actual
    fit.page=Ancho de pagina
    fit.width=Ancho del texto
    page=Pagina {0} de {1}
    no.pages=El documento no tiene paginas.
    error.saving=Error guardando documento. Vea la consola por detalles.
    error.printing=Error imprimiendo reporte. Vea la consola por detalles.
    error.loading=Error cargando reporte. Vea la consola por detalles.
    error.hyperlink=Error encontrado al seguir un hipervínculo. Vea la consola por detalles.
    error.displaying=Error mostrando pagina del reporte. Vea la consola por detalles.
    file.exists=El archivo {0} ya existe. Desea reemplazarlo?

    Post edited by: eisenrich, at: 2006/10/10 00:07

  4. Hi, i am the person that first post a bug about this, when the forums were in sourceforge; and this bug report is like 9 months old! :ohmy:


    Do you plan fix this bug? or the people that experiment it are so few that it doesn't matters? :(


    The bug started from the version 1.2.0


    The link that teodor posted, where the issue is being traking sends me an error, it says: Artifact: Only Group Members Can View Private ArtifactTypes

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