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Posts posted by spavuluri

  1. Lucian,


    Thanks for your response.

    I am using JR version 1.2.5. I first had this problem in version 1.2.3 but it didnt go away even after moving to the new version.


    And I am using MS Word to open the report. I haven't seen any other issues with RTF exports otherwise.







    By: Sathija Pavuluri - sathija

    Issues with Frames

    2006-08-04 11:48

    When a subreport is placed within a frame and the report is exported to RTF the subreport rendering is messed up.


    It is known that elements in a frame have an offset that is relative to the frame.

    But only in this case jasper interprets the offset relative to the current page.



    If I have a subreport in a frame and the subreport element has x=0, y=0; when the report is rendered the subreport appears at the top left corner of the page, while the frame is empty and sitting in the middle of the page (or whereever its location was defined).


    And when I have multiple frames like this. The frames are displayed correctly, but all the subreports are piled up on top of one another in the top left corner.


    This issue does not happen in PDF and HTML exports.

    Is this a bug that is being addressed or is something else wrong here?



    Sathija Pavuluri



    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: Issues with Frames

    2006-08-10 01:56

    We were not able to replicate this behaviour. Which JR version are you using? Also, what application are you using to open the RTF file?




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