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  1. I have created a simple report that prints the static text "HI". It works for CSV, PDF, Text Preview (iReport) etc., but not Text Preview (JR). Does anyone have any ideas how to get Text Preview (JR) working?
  2. Is it possible to access the logged in user in a jasper report. For example, a user logs in via web services (or via UI) with j_username as "fred" (in the web services example). From within a report can I access that username? I can't seem to find an appropriate report parameter and $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("j_username") returns null. I want to do data filtering and need to know who the logged in user is. Thanks in advance.
  3. PROBLEM SOLVED. I FOUND IT IN ReportJobsQuartzScheduler.java
  4. I am looking for the Java code that does the check to see if "nextFireTime" or next run time is after "now". Can anyone tell me which Java class contains that check? Thanks.
  5. Display it to a web page, so thge page opens it as a PDF - don't want to save it to a file that the user has to find on disk.
  6. Maybe I can open up the code somewhere and add a year to the check that the scheduler makes? Where do I do that?
  7. To make this clear, an example: I schedule a report for tomorrow - 6 Nov 2009. Tomorrow comes around but the report does not run, the scheduler checks the system time and thinks "it's now 6 Nov 2008, I don't need to run this report for another 12 months"
  8. For various reasons our system time is set to exactly 1 year ago (i.e. 2008 rather than 2009). Is there anywhere I can configure or change the JasperServer report scheduler so that it thinks the system time is 2009 not 2008? Then the scheduler will work against our backdated machine. Thanks for any help.
  9. I want to ALWAYS PROMPT when user uses the UI (because I want to show them some sensible defaults - because MOST of the time they use these) - BUT I want to be able to execute the report via URL without prompt. Hmmm... so do I have to create a separate copy of the report in JasperServer and have one as ALWAYS PROMPT and one not?
  10. JAVA Version ========== byte[] b = JasperRunManager.runReportToPdf("myrep.jasper", map, connection); String s = new String(b) // I have also tried new String(b, "UTF8") and various other encodings // Save s to file ... looks like a PDF file (i.e. begins %PDF etc.) but a few characters not converted correctly in some data - so get blank page Now.... when I call the Jasper functions through Ruby using yajb ... RUBY Version (calling Java JasperReports API) =========== runManager = jstatic :JasperRunManager bytes = [] bytes = runManager.runReportToPdf('myrep.jasper', map, connection) File.open( 'new_foo.pdf', 'wb' ) do |output| output.print bytes.pack("c*") end It works! The file is translated correctly. Any idea why the Java version is not working? Any pointers would be helpful.
  11. Has there been any further action on this? I would like to use anonymous classes in expressions too, especially to provide default dates ... Calendar does lots of stuff without return values (i.e. void), so would be good to create an anonymous class with a method to calculate a prior date (e.g. 2 weeks ago) etc. Is there any further progress on support for anonymous classes in expressions? Thanks for any info or feedback.
  12. Trying to understand the ramifications of the GPL.... If I have a commercial SaaS (software as a service) product that customers pay a monthly "rental" for, and I set up JasperServer to allow customers to access the same DB but NO interaction with the product code (i.e. not embedded etc.) AND I don't charge for access to JasperServer do I still need to release my other product under GPL (or buy a commercial license) - even though the only thing in common is the DB .... if I copied data to a separate DB ... would I still have to release the code of my product even though there is absolutely no interaction between JasperServer and the Java code or DB of my product? Thanks for clearing this up. Xagyg.
  13. Ok. I found the problem! From a previous post I see that you have to expand the elements on the left to see where the red element (i.e. the element in error) is highlighted. It is unusual that the default template produces a dodgy layout, but at least I know how to fix it now. NOTE: the red element does NOT appear until you save and reload the report! Only then can you apply the fix above. When you first generate the report no elements are highlighted red, but an error is given. Save and reload... voila! Nasty! .. but fixed.
  14. Any help appreciated. I installed iReport and attached a data source to the Test Template. I get this: ÂCompiling to file... .classic.jasper -> D:Program FilesJasperSoftiReport-1.2.7classic.java Errors compiling .classic.jasper! it.businesslogic.ireport.ReportClassLoader@13500b1 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException:ÂReport design not valid :Â ÂÂÂÂÂ1.ÂWarningÂ:ÂElementÂbottomÂreachesÂoutsideÂbandÂareaÂ:Ây=0Âheight=1Âband-height=0 atÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.verifyDesign(JRAbstractCompiler.java:267) ÂÂÂÂ atÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractCompiler.java:144) ÂÂÂÂ atÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDefaultCompiler.compileReport(JRDefaultCompiler.java:105) ÂÂÂÂ atÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:127) ÂÂÂÂ atÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:109) ÂÂÂÂ atÂit.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:507) ÂÂÂÂ atÂjava.lang.Thread.run(UnknownÂSource) Compilation running time : 78
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