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Everything posted by dpinfo

  1. Hello, I need to built a query where the field shown is composed with a parameter. In oracle I do this with this sintax select field&Num from table and it works. If I run the query Oracle ask me a value for the parameter Num. In Jasper I have tried with : select field$P{NUM} from table but the error was : "SQL Problems : Ora-00923 : key word FROM don't found" Please help me. Bye Dpinfo
  2. This is a bug of 1.2.5 You need to put in chart proprietise, in IncrementWhenExpression : new Boolean("True") For more information,please use the search forum
  3. In the query you could do: select .... from table where field_date = trunc(sysdate) - 1 This works in oracle Bye dpinfo
  4. I think that a query might be the solution of your problem. The query might be like this: select a.field, b.firma AS FIRMA from a,b where a.id=b.id In IReport you could show only $F{FIRMA} and not the key (a.id). If you prefer you could create a view that shows all the field you need of table a and b. The sintax is create or replace view xxx as( select a.field1 field1,a.field2, a.field3,b.firma from a, b where a.id=b.id) and then you make all the queries on this view. I hope that this help Bye dpinfo
  5. You need only to select the static text box and then right click with mouse and choose Propierties. Then choose the tab static text and change pre set text.
  6. You have to create a variable for each one calculation and for each group. If for example you have group1 and group2 you need to create AVERAGE_TTD_GROUP1,AVERAGE_TTD_GROUP2,MAXIMUM_GROUP1, MAXIMUM GROUP2. Configuration of AVERAGE_TTD_GROUP1 Variable name: AVERAGE_TTD_GROUP1 type: the same of the field with the value; Calculation type : choose one of them. If you want for example to calculate the average choose average. Reset type : choose group Reset group : choose the group. If you have created 2 groups, you need to create 2 variables. Variable expression : put the field on which you want to create the variable F{TTD} Then click ok and drug and drop the variable in the group1_footer Then make the same process for the average of group2 in order to create a variable AVERAGAE_TTD_GROUP2 For the maximun select in calculation tupe instead of average HIGHEST. Bye dpinfo
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