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Posts posted by aengla01

  1. Hi - I am needing a box and whiskers style graph in a report.

    It is not quite a standard box and whiskers graph, but I thought there might be some smart java coders who would be able to create a scriptlet class where I could pass in some parameters and the chart is rendered.


    I have put this request on getacoder and am happy to pay for it's development






  2. Hi

    I have read the Ultimate guide, but am obviously missing something (hopefully simple....)

    1) I want a master report to call a sub report using an xml data source (using the full xml doc as the datasource)

    2) I can get the sub report to work fine with the xml datasource.

    3) If I try to call it via master report, I get a blank page.


    I have attached the sample xml, master and subreport


    thanks for any help



  3. Hi,

    We've been working very well with iReport for about 5 years now, and always been using a JDBC connection direct to a database. We now need to use iReport with a remote xml dataset, and have successfully used xpath2 to do this.

    However, we now want the URL to be dynamic – so, it will take a parameter that specifies what dataset to retrieve.

    So - instead of

    it will be something like

    The report would pass in the parameter 6 in this case. A different report, requiring a different set of xml data, would pass in a different parameter to specify a different data set.

    For security reasons, each ID expires after 2 hours, so the ID will change continually.

    So, we want the final remote URL to be <URL> + parameter
    Our problem is that we can't work out how to specify a dynamic runtime connection and get an iReport parameter and pass it into the connection.

    I'm guessing this is easy to do, but I'm just missing somethng - the latest book hints at it, but doesn't give an example :-(

    From page 186 of the latest version of the ultimate guide:

    "Alternatively, the XPath expression can be set directly inside the report. I always suggest to use a report defined Xpath expression. The advantage of this solution is the ability to use parameters inside the XPath expression, which acts like a real query on the supplied XML data"
    Does anyone have any pointers?

  4. Hi all,


    I have a strange text wrapping issue.


    I've attached a very simple jrxml file to demonstrate the problem - just has one field in report.


    When I run the attached jrxml file via windows, it wraps correctly (see sample PDF). However, if I run the same report via linux/tomcat, it wraps the text incorrectly (creates an additional line for the text that it does not need) (see sample PDF).


    Any ideas?


    thanks in advance


    Anthony [file name=text_wrap.zip size=3283]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/text_wrap.zip[/file]

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