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Posts posted by kc2519

  1. OK - solved my own challenge. This one seems a bit strange.

    I hide most or all of the icons from roles other than ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, but I wanted access to Scheduler and Run in Background for a ROLE_PREMIUM I created. Unofrtunately, though ROLE_PREMIUM users could see the two icons, nothing happened when clicking either one...until I played around with unhiding some other icons, and then magically Scheduler and Run in Background suddenly work for ROLE_PREMIUM.

    If anyone is interested, see the two attached files - the only difference is that when the two icons are the only ones displayed, they fail, but when I add others, even if they are inactive for the ROLE_PREMIUM users, the Scheduler and Run in Background features work properly. Would love to know why this happens, but at least everything is now working.


    Post Edited by Ken Cherven at 01/28/09 04:28
  2. Thanks for the response Anandharaj. I already have authorization the same way - I would like second group I created (ROLE_PREMIUM) to have access to Scheduler; it works perfectly for ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR.

    By the way - nice blog with helpful tips on JS. I love using the software.


  3. I am using JS 3.0, and have been unable to solve this. I would like to offer the ability to schedule reports to premium users, a group where I have added a ROLE_PREMIUM. I have successfully used this role to limit access to certain features and folders within JS, except for the Scheduler and Run in Background functions. I would like to give these users that ability without granting them full admin privileges. Is there a solution?





  4. Thanks, Sherman. I neglected to mention that I had changed that setting as well. I'll continue to play with that file, and maybe restart my server to see if the settings take.

    BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't say what a great job you have been doing with JasperServer. I was hesitant to upgrade to 3.0, as 2.1 was working fine, but am incredibly glad that I did. The entire changeover took perhaps 2-3 hours, and that included modifying existing settings. Two new features make the upgrade especially useful - the tree folder system is outstanding for navigating the repository, and the ability to move resources in the GUI is a huge improvement. 

    I hope to provide a link back to my site shortly, to show what I have been able to do with JS (as a non-programmer), and anticipate working with JS for many years. Keep up the good work - it is much appreciated.





  5. Hi -

    Cannot find a solution for this one. When I use Scheduler to create a report and send to a user, there is no trouble, as long as I include an attachment. However, when I attempt to send just the link, the email recipient sees something like this:


    What I want them to see is the actual server address, not localhost. I have modified js.mail.properties settings to the correct server, but no success so far. I have also looked through all the context files, with no luck. Everything else on my installation works great - just this one issue is a mystery.



    Ken Cherven




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