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Posts posted by roby1483

  1.  Hi to all,

     I'm sorry to reopening this old thread but I have noticed one strange behavior. I use these methods of JRDesignConditionalStyle, setForecolor() and getLinePen().setLinecolor(), with two different colors but the border color is always the same that the text color.

    Can anyone help me please?

  2.  I have resolv without scriptlet and with this variable declaration:

    <variable name="NUM_ELEM" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Nothing">
              <variableExpression><![CDATA[new Integer($V{NUM_ELEM}.intValue() + 1)]]></variableExpression>
              <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]></initialValueExpression>

  3.  Hi to all,

     anyone can help me? I have noticed that if I set the reset type as Report, the first execution of beforeDetailEval() find the variable but the subsequent execution not find it. If I set reset type as Nothing all execution of beforeDetailEval() not find the variable.

  4. Hi to all,
     I have declared one variable in my subreport like this:

    <variable name="ELEMENT_COUNT" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Nothing">
    <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]></initialValueExpression>

    and I have created one scriptlet that increment this variable for each evaluated element: 

    public void beforeDetailEval() throws JRScriptletException {
            Integer i = (Integer) getVariableValue("ELEMENT_COUNT");

    if (i != null) {

    int num = i.intValue();


    setVariableValue("ELEMENT_COUNT"new Integer(num));


    System.out.println("******* ELEMENT_COUNT not found ********");

    I use this variable for print one line when the value is !=1 (for the first element the line will not be printed).

    At the first execution all worked well but now (from yesterday afternoon) the scriptlet don't find the variable.

    Can some one help me please?
    Thanks at all.


  5. Hello Lucian,

     I have used you suggested code but the border line remain black. In Tomcat's log I have find this alert:

    AVVERTENZA: The 'pen' attribute is deprecated. Use the <pen> tag instead.

    I have used iReport 2.0.5 for create the report, what I should change?

  6. Hi to all,

     I must change the border color of TextField from code using conditional styles. I use setBackcolor() and setForecolor() of JRDesignConditionalStyle object and that works fine, but the deprecated method setBordercolor() don't work. In the documentation I have read to use getLineBox() method instead setBordercolor(), but how I must use this method to set the border color?

    I use JasperReports 2.0.5.


    Thanks at all.

  7. Yes, I tried with scriptlet but gave me an error about "parameter not found" or similar. For the page number I resolved with getPages().size() method on JasperPrint object.

    Thank you very much for replay.

    Post edited by: roby1483, at: 2008/05/02 13:09

  8. Hello everybody.

    I need to know the page count of generated report for use this value as base page number for another report. How can I do this? How can I read PAGE_NUMBER variable from Java code and put this value in the parameters HashMap of second report?


    Thanks at all.

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