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Posts posted by asanga

  1. well what I did was totally based on jasper parameters, print when condition of the bands and JSP sessions, and this may be a lengthy and complex way to implement this functionality but I couldn't find any other way and little hard to explain :(.


    well I've included an label("+") and it is a HTML link to the .JSP page which exports the .jasper file and display it in HTML format (which means that this link refers to the .JSP files which export the .jasper file of the current .jrxml file being designed)


    AccountName (group1)

    ProjectName (group 2)

    + LanguageName (group3)

    -----(hidden raw(s))----------

    + LanguageName (group3)

    -----(hidden raw(s))----------

    ProjectName (group 2)

    + LanguageName (group3)

    -----(hidden raw(s))----------

    - LanguageName (group3)






    Above shown is the format of my report in brief. By default the row(s) which should come under the Language Name are being hidden they will be visible only when the (+) sign is clicked. Print when condition has been applied to the hidden set of band in my case it is the details band.


    print when condition of the details band has to determine which + sign user has clicked as there are many records in the report So it does this by the group values which are unique (im my case it uses languageName and projectname together which are being sent via the HTML link (+) to JSP page which exports the report)


    Print when condition

    new Boolean (!$F{latest_matrices3_ProjectName}.equals( "-" ) && $P{param_set}.indexOf($F{latest_matrices3_ProjectName}+" "+$F{latest_matrices3_LanguageName}.toString()+" "+"n")>-1)


    HyperLink Reference being sent when (+) clicked



    at the JSP file it keeps these set of variables in a session created previously in a JSP page which directs user to this perticular JSP which hosts the Jasper report.


    This is what happens in the JSP file



    Map parameters = new HashMap();


    //recive the query string parameters being sent

    //projectName, LanguageName, and parameter set

    String prj=request.getParameter("proj_name");

    String lng=request.getParameter("lang_name");

    String param_set=(String)session.getAttribute("param_set");


    //Name of the Jasper report to be filled and exported

    String filename = "ERA_5.jasper";

    String reporttype ="html";


    //get the Database connection created in the test.jsp via the session


    Connection conn =(Connection)session.getAttribute("con");

    System.out.println("Connection Established");


    //Path which consist of the jasper reports

    String path = application.getRealPath("/jaspers");


    //processing the param_set which keep the status of each project and language pare related to a perticular Account

    int start=-1;

    start=param_set.indexOf(prj+" "+lng);


    //if currently selected projects language has not been selected within this session before add it to the param_set

    //ProjectName, Language_Name, expantion status(y/n) is being added



    param_set=param_set+" "+prj+" "+lng+" "+"n"+" ";

    parameters.put("tree",new Boolean("true"));


    //if currently selected project language pare exist already in the param_set variable (which implies that they have

    //been selected before) there expantion status will be checked and alterd to the opposite value from thw current value

    //tree parameter is being set as it is used in the printwhen condition of +/- labels in the report



    String subVal=param_set.substring(start,start+(prj+" "+lng+" ").length()+1);

    String subarr[]=subVal.split(" ");



    param_set=param_set.replaceAll(prj+" "+lng+" "+"y",prj+" "+lng+" "+"n");

    parameters.put("tree",new Boolean("true"));




    param_set=param_set.replaceAll(prj+" "+lng+" "+"n",prj+" "+lng+" "+"y");

    parameters.put("tree",new Boolean("false"));




    //add the parameter values to report





    //report is being filled

    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(path+"/"+filename,parameters, conn);

    System.out.println("Report Created...");

    //OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();


    //set the values included in the param_set variable to a session which preserves the status to next page on next click



    JRExporter exporter = null;

    OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();


    //set the reports export parameters

    if( "html".equalsIgnoreCase(reporttype) )


    exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();

    request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);

    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream());

    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);

    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);








    catch (JRException e)


    throw new ServletException(e);





    forgive me this may confuse you but I have no way of explaining this much more simpler:( :( :(

  2. well what I did was totally based on jasper parameters, print when condition of the bands and JSP sessions, and this may be a lengthy and complex way to implement this functionality but I couldn't find any other way and little hard to explain :(.


    well I've included an label("+") and it is a HTML link to the .JSP page which exports the .jasper file and display it in HTML format (which means that this link refers to the .JSP files which export the .jasper file of the current .jrxml file being designed)


    AccountName (group1)

    ProjectName (group 2)

    + LanguageName (group3)

    -----(hidden raw(s))----------

    + LanguageName (group3)

    -----(hidden raw(s))----------

    ProjectName (group 2)

    + LanguageName (group3)

    -----(hidden raw(s))----------

    - LanguageName (group3)






    Above shown is the format of my report in brief. By default the row(s) which should come under the Language Name are being hidden they will be visible only when the (+) sign is clicked. Print when condition has been applied to the hidden set of band in my case it is the details band.


    print when condition of the details band has to determine which + sign user has clicked as there are many records in the report So it does this by the group values which are unique (im my case it uses languageName and projectname together which are being sent via the HTML link (+) to JSP page which exports the report)


    Print when condition

    new Boolean (!$F{latest_matrices3_ProjectName}.equals( "-" ) && $P{param_set}.indexOf($F{latest_matrices3_ProjectName}+" "+$F{latest_matrices3_LanguageName}.toString()+" "+"n")>-1)


    HyperLink Reference being sent when (+) clicked



    at the JSP file it keeps these set of variables in a session created previously in a JSP page which directs user to this perticular JSP which hosts the Jasper report.


    This is what happens in the JSP file



    Map parameters = new HashMap();


    //recive the query string parameters being sent

    //projectName, LanguageName, and parameter set

    String prj=request.getParameter("proj_name");

    String lng=request.getParameter("lang_name");

    String param_set=(String)session.getAttribute("param_set");


    //Name of the Jasper report to be filled and exported

    String filename = "ERA_5.jasper";

    String reporttype ="html";


    //get the Database connection created in the test.jsp via the session


    Connection conn =(Connection)session.getAttribute("con");

    System.out.println("Connection Established");


    //Path which consist of the jasper reports

    String path = application.getRealPath("/jaspers");


    //processing the param_set which keep the status of each project and language pare related to a perticular Account

    int start=-1;

    start=param_set.indexOf(prj+" "+lng);


    //if currently selected projects language has not been selected within this session before add it to the param_set

    //ProjectName, Language_Name, expantion status(y/n) is being added



    param_set=param_set+" "+prj+" "+lng+" "+"n"+" ";

    parameters.put("tree",new Boolean("true"));


    //if currently selected project language pare exist already in the param_set variable (which implies that they have

    //been selected before) there expantion status will be checked and alterd to the opposite value from thw current value

    //tree parameter is being set as it is used in the printwhen condition of +/- labels in the report



    String subVal=param_set.substring(start,start+(prj+" "+lng+" ").length()+1);

    String subarr[]=subVal.split(" ");



    param_set=param_set.replaceAll(prj+" "+lng+" "+"y",prj+" "+lng+" "+"n");

    parameters.put("tree",new Boolean("true"));




    param_set=param_set.replaceAll(prj+" "+lng+" "+"n",prj+" "+lng+" "+"y");

    parameters.put("tree",new Boolean("false"));




    //add the parameter values to report





    //report is being filled

    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(path+"/"+filename,parameters, conn);

    System.out.println("Report Created...");

    //OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();


    //set the values included in the param_set variable to a session which preserves the status to next page on next click



    JRExporter exporter = null;

    OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();


    //set the reports export parameters

    if( "html".equalsIgnoreCase(reporttype) )


    exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();

    request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint);

    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream());

    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);

    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, ouputStream);








    catch (JRException e)


    throw new ServletException(e);





    forgive me this may confuse you but I have no way of explaining this much more simpler:( :( :(

  3. Hi,


    I'm looking for a way to add the expand / collapse functionality to my jasper reports which shows and hides the contents of set of rows when a particular image /button clicked (eg:- when "+" image is clicked it shows all the records hidden beneath it) SugarCRM sample report in jasper server 2.0.1 implements such a feature, but it doesn't explain how to implement such a report. So please tell me how to implement this feature in jasper reports.


    Post edited by: asanga, at: 2007/10/18 11:42

    Post edited by: asanga, at: 2007/11/12 03:21

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