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Posts posted by skalle

  1. Hi.

    I`m working on a migration project. The case is to upgrade a set of reports made in ireport 1.2.8 to 3.1.0 using ireport 3.1.0.

    But when I try to open the jrxml files created using ireport 1.2.8 in ireport 3.1.0 I get the following error:

    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (the reports works fine within ireport 1.2.8)

    What`s wrong?

    Is my migration approach wrong? In such case what approach is recommended?


    Thanks in advance.





  2. Hi.

    I have several issues regarding layout anf formula handling when exporting data to Excel.

    Is there written specific documentation about this issue?

    I`m using Ireport version 1.2.8.

    One issue I have to solve is, how to specify exactly wich cell a given value in the recordset will be placed in. For example if my recordset has a field named delivery_date, I want delivery_date in first row to be plade in cell a7, delivery date in row two in cell a8 and so on.

    Is it possible to load the data into a predefined excel file? this would do the layout work much easier.





  3. Hi.

    I`m have a report that is exported to excel, the report is created using ireport 1.2.8. The excel output seems ok at first sight, but all numeric values are inside a cell with "general" format in excel. I want the numeric values to be formatted as number in excel as well, in ireport the corresponding values are bigdecimal.

    What I`ve done so far is check the is detect cell type in export options, but it didn`t help. Then I checked my jrxml manually and added 


    (this property should probably have been there allready since I checked the detect cell type in Ireport, but it wasn`t there) 

    But no luck, even when I added the property manually the xls output file still is formatting my bigdecimal values as general and not number. Any ideas? I have to use version 1.2.8. I will apreciate clarifying responses. Thanks.

    <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true" />

  4. Hi.


    I`ve tried that initially, the problem is to handle footers and graphic elements in the title area where my summary data is. I want the summary page to have the same layout as all other pages, but it`s difficult since the summary will be an extension of the title band. But you have maybe som good ideas here?

  5. There is only one reason, and that`s because I want the summary to be presented before the reader starts to dig into the details. It`s no big deal if I have to have the summary at the end, but I find it strange if no one before me have demanded a summary early in the report.

    Still no ideas?

  6. Hi.


    My problem was very similar as yours. I had some return values from a subreport wich I summarized in my master. The last value from the subreport didn`t appear in the total in my master, even tough the value missing in my sum is visible in my master. This is what I did to save my day:


    Where you define the bindings between master variable and return variable from the subreport, you can set calculation type to sum. (Fig. 8-20 in Toffoli`s Ireport guide from sept. 2007)

    Based on this you can summarize over the entire report or groups etc. depending on the master report variables reset type.


    This solved my problem, I guess this could be helpful for others also.

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