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Posts posted by maalto

  1. Hi all,

    I have done something I think ?

    The problem:

    -I can't anymore drag-move fields with mouse in ireport. They seem to be totally locked. I can still resize them.


    pls. help, Mike

  2. Yes !

    I figured it out... I must have changed the scriptlet execution to beforeReportInit(), but now I put it to afterReportInit() and it works.

    And another point in using scriptlet and subreports in separate groups is to put the variable reset type to report, otherwise the variable will loose its value after detail-band exec.


    BR. Mike

  3. Hi all,

    I am having trouble using variables in a scriptlet.

    I had it working some days ago, but now it stopped working again, without anything changed !?

    I set the variable like this:

    public void beforeReportInit() throws JRScriptletException


    setVariableValue("temp",new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()));

    setVariableValue("month_last_day",new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()));

    System.out.println("temp variable: " + (java.lang.String)getVariableValue("temp"));

    System.out.println("month_last_day variable: " + (java.lang.String)getVariableValue("month_last_day"));


    Both variables are Calculation type system. What might be worng ? Is there some other settings somewhere ? Even the println prints the value correctly, but null values are in the report fields as $V{month_last_day} and $V{temp}.

    Ireport version 2.0.2


    I am quite lost now, please help ASAP.


    BR. Mike

  4. Sorry I misspelled a bit:

    Subreport expression: "D:\reptproducts.jasper"

    as java.lang.String class


    BR. Mike


    -I dont know why backslash doesn't show...

    Post edited by: maalto, at: 2007/10/24 15:21

  5. Hi thanks for ansver,

    I did it like this:

    new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date())


    -M$-sql server 2000 seems to like it that way.


    And when I define last day of this month I did the following:

    new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date(new Date().getYear(),new Date().getMonth()+1,0))


    I don't know if that is the smartest/best way, but it seems to work.


    BR. Mike

  6. Hi all,

    I am trying and trying and now I seem to be totally lost in this. How to make and understand a subreport.

    Could somebody please explain it to me.

    I have tried in all different ways, but none has succeded. The most simple way I would think it could have worked was a simple product list from Northwind database (MS-sql2000). I create the subreport and it's working fine. I create the master report and include the subreport into it and also define the "Use connection expression" as $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} and the "Subreport expression" as "D:\rep\t\products.jasper", where I have the .jasper compiled file for the subreport. Still when I run the master I get "The document has no pages", no data seems to be transferred via the subreport ?

    What am doing wrong, missunderstanding ?


    Thanks in advance, Mikael

  7. Hi,

    I seem to have a slight problem with passing a parameter into the report.


    OR030100."OR03019" between '1/1/2007' AND $P{end_date}


    parameters: end_date, java.util.Date, new Date(7,11,31)


    -reults to empty report.

    If I use a empty datasource I can print the parameter as: 12/31/07 12:00 AM


    If I use as parameter new Date(), or choose via prompt I can get correct result.


    What am I missing here ?

    Please help.


    Thanks, Mike

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