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Posts posted by tinnyb

  1. Thanks very much for the work you've done on this.  I've just tested here and I've observed that when using a multi-select query input control whose query is referring to a parameter, that you cannot select from the input control list box and have that selection stick.  As soon as you complete a selection, your selection is cleared as if the data is refreshing.  Using a single-select query input control does not have this issue.

  2. I set myself the task of configuring JasperServer to use an external JDBC data source for authentication today. I have come across what looks like a bug. I am running JasperServer 2.0.1 and PostgreSQL 8.2.4 for both the JasperServer data and my authentication data.


    I set up applicationContext-security.xml to use the external source. Viewing the tomcat logs indicated that authentication with the external source was successful:


    15:46:53,494 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor3:548 - Created new external user: martin.bayley
    15:46:53,689 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor3:598 - Added following external roles to: martin.bayley


    However the browser window goes blank after login - the repository page does not appear. Server-side there is an exception after a warning message:


    15:45:50,953 WARN UserAuthorityServiceImpl,http-8080-Processor2:743 - User: martin.bayley was not found to make them logged in
    15:45:51,224 ERROR [jsp],http-8080-Processor2:704 - Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.acegisecurity.userdetails.User.getFullName()
    at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1581)


    I looked into the postgres log (logging all SQL statements) and found that an attempt is made to insert an externally defined user, along with user roles, but that this transaction is rolled-back. From the postgres log:


    2007-09-07 15:58:00.919 ESTLOG: execute <unnamed>: select nextval ('hibernate_sequence')
    2007-09-07 15:58:00.922 ESTLOG: execute <unnamed>: insert into JIUser (username, fullname, emailAddress, password, externallyDefined, enabled, id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)
    2007-09-07 15:58:00.922 ESTDETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'martin.bayley', $2 = 'martin.bayley', $3 = NULL, $4 = NULL, $5 = 't', $6 = 't', $7 = '243'
    2007-09-07 15:58:00.923 ESTLOG: execute <unnamed>: insert into JIUserRole (userId, roleId) values ($1, $2)
    2007-09-07 15:58:00.923 ESTDETAIL: parameters: $1 = '243', $2 = '1'
    2007-09-07 15:58:00.924 ESTLOG: execute S_3: ROLLBACK


    To test a theory I manually added a user record in the JasperServer jiuser table for 'martin.bayley', flagged as externally defined, along with the roleids in jiuserrole table. Having done this the login is successful. (Examining the postgres logs shows that the system still attempts to maintain the jiuserroles by deleting and reinserting, but again this is rolled-back). This would seem to confirm that JasperServer intentions to add an externally defined user into the jiuser table fail - perhaps because no commit is issued.


    Can anyone confirm this to be an issue / bug?



    Post edited by: tinnyb, at: 2007/09/10 03:06

  3. I have a workaround for this. I've added a prompting parameter accepting java.util.Date (let's call it paramDate), and then I have a second non-prompting parameter of java.sql.Timestamp (let's call it paramTS). paramTS has as its default expression:


    new java.sql.Timestamp($P{paramDate}.getTime())


    The paramTS is the one used I plug in to the query.


    I'm using Postgres with timestamp fields and so I needed to get a prompted date from the user into the query and this works fine for me.


    Hope this helps your situation.

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