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Everything posted by contentengineer

  1. Is the line rendering in HTML, PDF, XLS, DOC type output? If HTML which browser are you using?
  2. Blank pages can easily be caused by band heights/split configuration. Check the size of the subreport (page dimensions) aswell. On the SQL front, you probably need to clean up the SQL order by/ group by to make sure that Jasper receives the data in the correct order; it sounds like it may not be cascading correctly. If you could explain a bit more about the application (data model), there may be a fighting chance. Sounds like the data isn't completely referential...but all is coming from a single query??? You could think about using print when expressions for different types as an alternative to avoid sub-reports.
  3. One option is to create an additional "Top" group, which encompasses all others; and then have a variable; Variable=$V{Total vehicles} Calculation Type=Sum Reset Type=Group Reset Group=Top Variable Expression=$F{number of vehicles} then show the $V{total vehicles} in the footer band of the group Top.
  4. Is it possible to detect (using a variable) the last group on a page; and then use that to control a "print when" expression in the footer. For example, we have a report that produces multiple high level groups or sections. On the last page of each section we don't want certain static text or fields on the footer. I can do this for the header element, as we reset page number at the beginning of each high level group/section. Thanks
  5. SOLVED. Used the following conversion routine: new java.lang.String(($V{umid}.intValue()/12+1900)+" "+ ("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec".toString().substring(($V{umid}.intValue()%12*3)).substring(0,3))) where umid=unique month since 1900 (i.e. Jan 2007=1284)
  6. sorry to get month from 1...12 (Jan...Dec) i use following modulus: ($V{umid}%12+1) How do I define the vector/array parameter? How do I lookup the element of the array?
  7. Need to convert a unique month identifier in a cross tab to a month name. Cannot use switch statement (not implemented in iR/Jasper). What expression do I use to create a 'monthname' parameter which is an array (for example "Jan","Feb","Mar,"Apr","May"... and then use this in a variable expression (where umid=unique month identifier since 1900) new String($P{monthname}.get($V{umid}.intValue())) ??? This fails (naturally!).
  8. Any advice on the following: (a) Create temporary table of transactional data at beginning of report (in master query?) (b) Create four separate cross tabs based on queries of temporary table Will the data persist across the subdatasets - i.e. is a new connection made to the database each time? Using Japserserver1.2.0+patch, iReport 1.3.0, SQL Server 2005, jtds/jdbc driver based connection THanks
  9. We have attempted to create crosstabs using iReport wizard... and get the following error: ErrorÂfillingÂprint...ÂErrorÂincrementingÂcrosstabÂdataset net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException:ÂErrorÂincrementingÂcrosstabÂdataset ÂÂÂÂatÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillCrosstab$JRFillCrosstabDataset.customIncrement(JRFillCrosstab.java:654)
  10. We're converting an existing report that uses SQL to create a grouped "pivot" table which is then quickly manipulated using a single grouped report in iReport/Jasperreports. (i.e. The SQL generates a temporary table with each row has the following columns: GroupTitle|GroupLine|Month1Revenue|Month2Revenue ... |TotalRevenue) to produce the follwing report: Month|Month|Month| ...|Total Group by Customer Customer1 Customer2 Customer3 Group by Category Category1 Category2 Category3 Group by Type Type1 Type2 Group by CostCentre CostCentre1 CostCentre2 CostCentre3 --- We want to migrate to crosstabs using basic underlying transaction data in a temporary table which is created from a join of six tables in a single report query. Month|Customer|Category|Type|Revenue|CostCentre --- Can we use report subdatasets to re-use the main query? How can we cache the results from the temporary table; and re-use for each crosstab?
  11. Just checked. Had updated XML as described, however old file has been retained with XML extension rather than "OLD" and therefore it was getting confused. Changed extension on original file, and restarted ... all working ok - passes thro' meta data to Quartz OK. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE.
  12. Thanks for the pointers and patch. We've updated the XML file, and put the jar file in the lib directory, restarted jasperserver etc etc. When we change an entry in the calendar reoccurrence (i.e. minutes) this does not get reflected in the qrtz_cron_triggers table in MySQL; and next exectute time is showing as the old values. However jireportjobcalendartrigger has the correct (updated meta data). No errors in any logs. Am I missing something?
  13. In aim to fault find, went back to scheduling GUI; switch job from calendar->simple->calendar; re-entered minutes/hours and weekdays/ saved. Checked database and CRON_EXPRESSION now has the desired entry. Need to test. Suspect bug in calendar occurence action when changing minutes/hours; that it is not recreating the CRON_EXPRESSION column in the qrtz_cron_triggers table.
  14. Running 1.2 with MySQL. Checked database for jobs jireportjobcalendartrigger j id=52 minutes=15 hours=21 days_type=2 week_days=2,3,4,5,6 month_days= months=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 jireportjob; id=5 version=8 username,label,description... job_trigger=52 content_destination=5 mail_recipient=8 jireportjobtrigger; id=52 version=2 timezone=Europe/London start_type=2 start_date=2007-04-25 21:10:00 end_date=null BUT noticing quartz entries: qrtz_cron_triggers; trigger_name= trigger_52_0 trigger_group=ReportJobs cron_expression 0 0 0 ? * 2,3,4,5,6 time_zone_id=Europe/London Timezone Europe/London Locale en DS Timezone Europe/GMT Is there a problem with Quartz being populated with the correct time/date?
  15. Wonder if anybody can help/suggest fix. JasperServer with a number of reports scheduled to run on simple and calendar recurrence. Simple recurrence is fine for daily repetition and repeats every day at "start time" of job (for example 21:15), as programmed. We've modified some schedules to use calendar recurrence to enable daily repetition on work days (Mon thro' Fri). Even though we've set minutes (10) and hours (21), plus weekday Mon-Fri; the jobs repeat whenever the day changes (at 00:00) not at the specified time (i.e. 21:10) Is there an error in the logic, or do we need to reset the start time/date to be in the future?
  16. We have dug around and fixed the problem... In SubReport (properties) have explicitly defined Parameters Map Expression: new HashMap($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}) in both Master and SubReport Now tests fine.
  17. We are experiencing problems publishing master->subreport->sub-subreport configurations to the latest release of JasperIntelligence. We can run report OK on iREPORT. All reports use same database connection. When publishing to JasperIntelligence we use the plug-in to: (1) Create Report Unit for master report (2) Populate jrxml for the sub-report and its nested sub-subreport (3) Setup parameter/expression links in master and sub-report to connect to parameters in subreport and sub-subreport respectively (4) Ensured that SUBREPORT_DIR is set to "repo:" in Subreport(Other) tab We receive the following errors: 1 - null java.lang.Exception: 1 - null at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:382) etc When we attempt to We have also attempted to load the report unit and sub-resources onto the server using the web interface. However the web does not recognise that there are sub-reports present. We have noticed that the Parameters Map Expression is missing from the jrxml in the Master and the SubReport files??? We have read the manuals/release notes for 1.2.0 but to no avail. Any assistance greatly appreciated. Thanks
  18. Use the jdts drivers instead... in our particular implementations they are quicker (and easier)... available from sourceforge.
  19. We have also seen 100%CPU and infinite looping with the use of the Groovy language/scriptlet class; when calculating divisions of BigDecimals. Need to recode long hand to Java to fix the problem, for that particular issue.
  20. There is a problem with Groovy scriplet class and BigDecimals. IMHO the ROUND_UP assumption in the java class conversion in groovy appears to cause an infinite loop. In groovy: ( $F{revenue}==0 ? 0 : $F{margin}/$F{revenue} ) In Java: ( $F{revenue}.intValue()==0 ? new BigDecimal("0") : $F{margin}.divide($F{revenue}.BigDecimal.ROUND_UP ) solves the problem...
  21. Are you using Java or Groovy as the scriptlet class. With Groovy, there is a level of simplification; however it can get caught up with BigDecimals (own humble experience). You may be able to convert with judicious use of methods in Java.
  22. Are you using Java or Groovy scriplet classes? --- Are the sub-queries all referencing a similar dataset, and could this be broken down to use a common temporary table across multiple sub-reports for better query performance - i.e. micro manage SQL performance? --- 1.6 seconds aint bad for report generation!!
  23. If I understand your dilemma, I would suggest you use sub-report functionality to populate; else you can create multiple groups. View -> Report Groups - click on New and you can change the ordering around. It is important to ensure that your SQL returns an appropriately grouped list of results...
  24. If the $V field is removed from the report including variable definition, the report runs through. Is there a problem with the BigDecimal calculation or compilation in groovy? Any thoughts?
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