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Posts posted by jagbalan

  1. Hi, is there any sample highlighting the query builder feature of iReport engine? I saw a Webreportbuilder sample. But there the query builder actually was reading the table informations from a connection url. Isn't it possible to have a meta data defined for a database that the query builder can use (along with joins).

    Please suggest if this is the right place for this query

    Post edited by: jagbalan, at: 2007/08/03 11:11

  2. Hi. Before spending time on evaluation I would like to know whether the below requirement is feasible through Jasper.


    The requirement is this, a web page allowing business user to use a metadata and define a query. This query would later be converted to SQL and used by the application. The meta-data should also include join informations.


    Can Jasper help in acheiving this? I see the reports are finally stored as xml.

    1. Are there any APIs that will help to get the data generated by this xml in java vectors or collection or something similar?

    2. Will jasper allow dynamic creation of reports?

    3. How does Jasper support web?

    4. Is it possible to see the SQL related to with each report?


    Thanks for your time

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