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Posts posted by raulsaavedrax

  1. hi robshep


    excuse for post in your message, i have very problems whith the scriplet, i don't have tha basic concepts for use a scriplet into my report.


    do you can give me a single example of scriptlet in ireport, means, a file .class?.... a file .java?..... a file .jrxml?.....


    please help me, oh my god.


    thanks for your help.

  2. hi codyjasperForge, thanks for your help.


    i don't know that my report have a .class file...?


    how it is created?


    i'm confused.


    do you can give me an example...?


    attaching the source files, .xml, .class or .java?





  3. hi, i can't compile my report that use a scriptlet.


    i don't know how is using the scriptlet and the class.


    please, if somebody can help me, i willl very happy.


    i need a single example with source code, about the scriplet in iReport.



  4. hi, friends, i have a big problem.


    my reporte use a single scriplet, when i compile the report, the output console say:



    "Error compiling the Scriptlet Java source.




    and besides:



    "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: pruebaScriplet"



    please, friens, help me.



  5. Hi friends, thank you for your help.

    I need to know if i can use an array or a vector in a java expression of iReport.


    The Arrays are data structures correct and useful for make a report using iReport.


    For example:


    I can create a variable as a vector?






    And use my variable with a index for work.


    Thank you for your help.


    Excuse me for the grammar of this post.

    I am from South America.

  6. Hello my friends, i'm very happy for write in this forum.


    I have a question.


    Which is the default language that return the sentence new Date(), for example:


    return the month:


    -> Enero in spanish or...

    -> January in english


    ireport examine the language of the operating system?


    or return the values according to the inner language?


    Excuse me for the grammar of this post.

    I don't speak english.


    Than you for your help.

  7. ok friend, thank you very much for your help.


    i want know if the subdataset is using only for create Chart or Crosstab... because my main report not recognize the fields or parameters of my subdataset.


    can i use the fields of my subdataset in my main report?




    thank you.

  8. hi friends, my name is raulsaavedrax, i'm a new user of iReport version 1.2.8, i want know what is the Scriptlet, how is using....


    excuse me for the grammar of this post...


    i don't speak english, i'm from south american...



  9. hi friends, my name is raulsaavedrax, i'm a new user of iReport version 1.2.8, i want know what is the subdatasets, how is using....


    excuse me for the grammar of this post...


    i don't speak english, i'm from south american...



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