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Posts posted by jmaher

  1. This issue also affects some reports of mine, going from JasperReports 1.3.1 to 3.7.0

    I am using a few different conditional lines along with other text elements that must line up (and used to prior to upgrading).


    I cannot align rectangle borders and line elements (lines using width of 1, weight of 1) to each other.

    See below, All line weights are = 1 and the colored parts are line elements, aligned left at x=210

    Frame X=210, width = 40

    Right line is at X=250, width = 1.




    Changing the right line width = 3 for the right hand line:


    It's aligned to the same coordinates as the bottom right point of the frame, however, it's not straight..

    Can you just draw the lines from that same location straight down?

    It seems as though the drawing coordinates are off for lines versus frames (+ rectangles)...

    Can this be fixed, so that it's pixel perfect? :)



  2. Element properties docked window:

    I cannot modify an element's properties (eg. Element Key name) through the docked element properties window. After typing a value in the field and the focus is lost, so is the modified value. I've tried to press Enter to accept the new property, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.


    The only way that I've found to modify element properties is through the properties 'Dialog' by right-clicking and choosing properties on the element.


    Although even in the Dialog 'All' tab I've noticed that it's always been a little bit flaky for setting properties. I've just usually avoided these and used the direct fields on the 'Common' tab in the dialog.


    Anyone else noticed this too?


    I've always had this problem with iReport up to and including version 3.0.


    I didn't want to open a new bug, and I think this is the closest Artifact for my problem:


    Artifact artf2320 : Object properties pane doesn't always record changes

  3. It would still be possible to use UNION in that case if you're just looking for a SQL solution..


    Just add NULL values to columns that the other table doesn't have.. eg



    SELECT id,name, ...(same attributes), NULL AS carColor

    FROM house




    SELECT id,name, ...(same attributes), color AS carColor

    FROM car



    Either that or you'll probably have to resort to a subreport pulling the extra details like you mentioned before..



  4. You could try doing a UNION in SQL to get data from both tables..





    SELECT person,house

    FROM ...




    SELECT person,cars

    FROM ...



    you have to look into your DB's implementation of UNION to get the specifics


    (eg you must select the same number of columns from each table in the example above there are two and it's best if the data types are the same eg you don't mix strings and numbers)



  5. kelly wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying to put a $V{} in a query to make a conditional query like this:
    select * from table1 where $V{con} <> 1
    but it gave me the SQL executing error (syntax error).
    so i made a $P{} and let the default value = $V{con},
    now there is no compile error, but there is no value in $P{}, it always null. Anybody has idea about this?

    Thanks in advance.


    Trying creating two parameters.. eg

    $P{conEval} = the evaluating parameter Integer

    $P{con} = passed in value (eg string "fish")


    in your $P{conEval} parameter in the evaluation expression put in something like:


    "burger".equals($P{con}) ? new Integer(1): new Integer(0)


    and in your query put:

    select * from table1 where $P{conEval} <> 1


    This way if you pass in a String as your $P{con} variable it will evaluate in the other parameter to determine if it equals "burger" and if so replace the value in the query with the proper parameter (which checks if it is not equal to 1).


    You might have to escape the paramater $P{conEval} with the $P!{} syntax so that it doesn't surround the variable with '' quotes in your sql..




  6. I see that there was feature request for the printing of tab characters:


    artf1359 : Print Tab Characters


    last modified on 07/20/2006



    I've got a memo type field with names and descriptions and phone numbers neatly lined up with tab characters in the swing component but when the report prints out.. it's a horrible mess.



    Have you had any progress made on this? please? :)




  7. I found that I could modify the label font by using a JRChartCustomizer class.. here's my simple implementation below:



    public class ChartLabelCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer {

    public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart) {
    // Check the type of plot..
    Plot plot = chart.getPlot();
    if(plot instanceof PiePlot){
    PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) plot;
    piePlot.setLabelFont(new Font("SanSerif",Font.PLAIN,8));



    This should help you customize without resorting to modifying and recompiling the default JasperReports library..




  8. To access the values for the report this is taken from the Wiki documents


    A chart can have an associated customizer class to perform customizations that are not directly supported by JRXML. The customizer class should implement net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer. At fill time, the customize() method of this class will be called before the chart is rendered.

    If values of report parameters, variables or fields are needed in the customization, the customizer implementation should extend
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAbstractChartCustomizer to gain access to such values.


    So try to extend the second class instead to gain access to the values.




  9. This is something that I would like to see as well.


    I have a problem with my pieChart3D chart labels, they fit and are displayed properly in the JasperViewer within my swing app but when the report is exported to PDF the label boxes overlap obscuring the label text.


    So.. I would like to reduce the font size but apparently there is no control from JasperReports to do so..


    Are there any plans to add this?




  10. I have used the document outline in the past, however it's a real pain to do.


    This doesn't work very well when you have large number of elements (eg 50+ per band, with nested frames etc).


    It means that you have to have properly named keys for each element and have them organized in the correct order.


    As well, I found this frustrating when trying to move multiple elements via keyboard.


    eg. You must select the range you want in the document outline, then you have to find an element out of that set already highlighted that you can select easily and then deselect/select it again in the main frame to transfer focus to that window in order to move them as a group.


    Also, if you want to simply move just that one element it's quite hard to move it via keyboard arrow keys since the document outline will now have the selection focus.


    If you have many elements and some of them have gotten mixed around via copying / pasting etc (names different from what you would expect) then it's hard to identify the element that you wish to select from the document structure.



    The main issue here for me is that I can't just select the element by mouse click when it's y=80px by x=250px large because the coordinate system for selecting doesn't take into account zoom factors.


    Hence if when zoomed in I click in the textbox at y=40 then it will select that element, but if i click in y=0-39 or y=41-80 px then it selects the adjacent element. It's like trying to hit the jackpot when clicking around randomly around the center to try and select that element.


    (investigation here..)


    Actually, I just noticed that it only seems to be the line elements surrounding other elements that screw up the selection code. The line's bounding box seems to extend much to far from the element for the size of the line, overriding the other element's box. I suppose it's to make selecting the line easier if it was a one pixel high line, but it seems to go a bit too far.



  11. I wonder, does anyone else ever have this problem?


    Sometimes I find it nearly impossible to select the correct textfield when it is surrounded by other elements (eg lines, or other textfields/statictext) and things are fairly small and close together.


    Some reports which have many textfields 8 height, 6 pt font I find it very hard to select the correct element, even when you zoom in.


    I submitted a bug about this:



    Anyone else have the same problem?



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