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  • Password problems with JRS Master and other StandBy deployment

    Tom C
    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v7.9 Product: JasperReports® Server



    User has the JasperReports Server (JRS) installed in two servers, one Master and other StandBy. The JRS is using the database in PostgreSQL 10.5 instance running on the server. There is an instance of PostgreSQL on each server. PostgreSQL is configured to replicate the data from the Master server to the StandBy server. When there is a switch between servers the StandBy becomes the master and Master becomes StandBy. The PostgreSQL instances also switch properly.However the internal users that are stored in the PostgreSQL database (superuser, jasperadmin), start failing the authentication.They are not able to login in the JasperReports server. To workaround this issue, users have to connect directly to the PostgreSQL database and set the password to null in order to be able to login and change the passwords. However, this workaround is not acceptable as a permanent solution.



    This user must have used different keystores in those two server deployments. The repository content cannot use different keystores to encrypt and decrypt if the are identical in two DB deployments




    User needs to make sure to use the same keystore files by copying those files from master to secondary:

    .jrsks - Java keystore file

    .jrsksp - keystore properties







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