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  • JasperReports Server Installation - MUST Extract All Files From a WAR Distribution Zip File Into a Destination Close to The Root

    Tom C
    • Version: v5.1 Product: JasperReports® Server

    When installing JasperReports Server from a WAR distribution, users first need to extract all files from the distribution zip file (such as jasperreports-server-5.2-bin.zip) into a destination, such as C:Jaspersoft on Windows,  or /home/<user> on Linux, or /Applications on Mac OSX. The directory such as jasperreports-server-5.2-bin, will be placed in the file location users have chosen.

    It is important to select this destination location close to the root, not buried under a folder structure many levels deep (such as C:tempjasperreports-sevrer-5.2-binjasperreports-sevrer-5.2-bin). The installation uses command line scripts and the path to the scripting components and their underlining Java objects can get truncated if the resulting absolute path in the script becoming too long at the run time. Users usually will get BUILD FAILED message during the installation indicating some kind of parameter related error in import-export.xml, such as, tested in WIN 2008:

    Missing file argument for import/export

    or, in WIN 7 (JVM 1.6)

    CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect




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