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  • Error using a Redshift Datasource in a Virtual Datasource in JasperReports Server v5.6

    • Features: Data Sources, JasperReports Server Version: v5.6.0 Product: JasperReports® Server


    Using a Redshift datasource in a Virtual Datasource (VDS) in JasperReports Server v5.6.0 produces the following error when opening a Domain Designer using the VDS:

    ERROR BaseJdbcMetaDataFactoryImpl,http-bio-7560-exec-7:359 - Cannot get database meta info : /public/Samples/Data_Sources/Virtual_DB_Tester 
    org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidSQLException: Error trying to obtain metadata information for the tables that match %: TEIID30489 Unable to load metadata for VDB name.


    Virtual data sources are based on the Teiid engine to handle multiple data sources and combine the results from them. In JasperReports Server v5.6 the Teiid library was upgraded to the latest version, but an unforseen consequence of this is that Teiid is unable to get the foreign keys from the database metadata using the Postgres driver, thus producing the above error. Since JasperReports Server does not use this metadata the workaround for this issue is to configure the VDS to not retreive the metadata. Search for importPropertyMap in applicationContext-virtual-data-source.xml, uncomment it and add the following map.


    <property name="importPropertyMap"> 
            <entry key="REDSHIFT_DS_NAME"> 
                    <entry key="importer.importKeys" value="false"/> 
                    <entry key="importer.importForeignKeys" value="false"/> 
                    <entry key="importer.importIndexes" value="false"/> 
                    <entry key="importer.importStatistics" value="false"/> 

    Replace REDSHIFT_DS_NAME with the name of your Redshift datasource. Note: If you created an alias for the Redshift datasource in the VDS you must use the alias instead of the datasource name in the entry key.


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