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  • "Could not locate .jrsksp" Error on TIBCO JasperReports® Server 7.8.0 Windows Installer deployments startup

    Friendly User
    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v7.8, v7.8.0 Product: JasperReports® Server


    You've installed the new version of TIBCO JasperReports® Server 7.8.0 on Windows using the bundled all-in-one installer (TIB_js-jrs_7.8.0_win_x86_64.exe). You had already previous versions of the product installed on the same machine under the same user account. After the installation you cannot start the newest version of the server with the error:

    "Could not locate: org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileLocator@4ff6da37[fileName=.jrsksp,basePath=C:UsersMyUser"

    How to resolve this problem?


    To resolve this problem you will need to locate the .jrsks and .jrsksp under the personal folder of the user that was performing the installation, e.g. C:UsersMyUser. These files need to get a new set of permissions assigned to user LOCAL SERVICE:

    1. Right click on the file > Properties

    2. Go to Security tab. Select LOCAL SERVICE in the "Group or user names" list:


    3. Press Edit and check "Read" and "Read & Execute" in the Allow Column:


    4. Press OK > OK

    5. Restart Tomcat

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