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  • The Command Line Import Stops with a "Weak password" Error

    Tom C
    • Features: Repository, User Interface Version: v7.9.0, v7.8.0, v7.5.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    The Problem


    A user is upgrading/migrating their repository content from a JasperReports Server (JRS) version 7.5.1 deployment to a version 7.9.0 deployment using the command line js-export script. The import stops after importing few user profiles with the following error:

    Weak password


    Even with the failed import, this user is able to log into JRS 7.9.0 using the user credential that was shown in the import process right before the error occurred.


    The Cause


    JRS default configuration does not have any restriction on user password patterns and the regular expression default pattern ^.*$ matches any password.


    If a user customizes the password pattern with more restrictive requirements, such as minimum and maximum password length, using both uppercase and lowercase characters, and/or needing at least one number or special character, etc., any user password entered after the pattern change would reflect and meet those requirements. However, any existing password already created and stored in the user profile table in the repository will not be affected and users will be able to continue to use those "weak" passwords to log into the application successfully until they change their password.


    When migrating user profile data from one JRS deployment to another configured with the more restrictive password patterns, those users with the "weak" passwords will fail the import with the above error.

    IMPORTANT: For other potential causes of the 'Weak Password' error please see this article:

    Command Line export of users to a catalog is causing the import of the catalog to fail with "Weak password" error

    The Solution


    To get the repository content migration successful with user profile data, our users must ensure all user passwords meet the password pattern for the user authority service before exporting its content for the migration. 


    This involves requesting legacy users to change their password from the JRS User Profile web UI meeting the new password pattern rules. It is not always possible, however, to ensure the changes would take place in a timely manner within the migration timeline and schedule, especially if the users community is external and population is large. In such a case, users should use the standard password pattern configuration for their command line import process to proceed without the weak password restrictions.


    The configuration file involved for the command line import is the "applicationContext.xml" file under the buildomaticconf_sourceiePro directory.

     Users can restore the default setting to avoid this import error.    

    <property name="allowedPasswordPattern" value="^.*$"/>  



    For other potential causes of the 'Weak Password' error please see this article:

    Command Line export of users to a catalog is causing the import of the catalog to fail with "Weak password" error



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