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  • Using CEILING and FLOOR Functions in the Calculated Measures

    Dhiraj Pahlani
    • Edited on:
    • Features: Ad Hoc Version: v9.0.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    When I go to the create Ad Hoc View > Select Domain > Create Measure a list of functions is available that I can use to create a formula. However, I do not see a function available for CEILING or FLOOR.

    The closest function available is the ROUND function which round off to the next integer when the decimal is more than half (e.g.1.6 is rounded of to 2). Whereas Ceiling rounds off to next integer if it is greater than 0 (e.g. 1.3 is rounded of to 2).

    Is such functionality possible in Measures?

    Yes, this is possible by creating custom Measures to simulate these DB functions. We can use the following formulae in the Ad Hoc custom Measures to achieve this requirement.

    Round("field"+0.5, 0)

    Round("DecimalId"-0.5, 0)

    See below screenshots for reference.




    Ref. Case #02273187

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