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  • How to use jrtx style as a shared resource in JasperReports Server Repository

    • Features: Reports, Repository Version: v6.0 Product: JasperReports® Server


    There are a lot of reports that should be designed with the same style. For this purpose can serve jrtx style file that can be used as the shared resource by reports.

    Approach that could allow you to use a shared jrtx style:

    • before uploading to JasperReports Server change the path to the resource to (for example): "repo:Analytics_Style.jrtx". Please pay your attention that there are no slashes and subdirectories in the path.

    • upload the report to JasperReports Server

    upload jrtx file to the server, during the uploading procedure select Style Template as the resource type, use the same name as you used in the path to the report (Analytics_Style.jrtx)

    after uploading of the jrtx style to the repository right click on the report, select Edit->Controls and Resources and add resource

    during the add resource procedure select resource from the repository location, give the resource the same name as you used in the report (Analytics_Style.jrtx) (please see the screenshot below)






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