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  • How to show Cyrillic letters in PDF

    • Features: Exporters, Reports Product: JasperReports® Library


    With the User input parameters, user will following sample parameter text.

    CASE 1. Enter the special characters E.G. : партне66$@%*!р

    CASE 2. Enter some internationalization text.

    If we enter the text like CASE1, parameter text is not showing as it is with PDF and CSV reports. We have tested with encoding="ISO-8859-1" also, and the issue is the same.


    If you would like to render Cyrillic font in your report:

    • Use physical font and not a logical one (tahoma.ttf) in the text fields in your report (for example Tahoma instead of SansSerif).

    • Add this font to iReport, set it as the font that should be embedded to PDF, define a proper encoding for this font.

    For the details please refer to the screenshot (font_configuration).


    I have attached to the article 2 screenshots, physical font (tahoma.ttf) and a sample of the report that uses this font.





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